Catulle Mendes: Money Mire Glorious Scent

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 17, 2017

Catulle Mendes Money Quote saying money starts in stench, but we sense only what we imagine for the future it will bring about. Catulle Mendes said:
Money does not smell of the mire whence it came; it has the glorious scent of what will be Quote

“Money does not smell of the mire whence it came; it has the glorious scent of what will be” — Catulle Mendes


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In this quote, Catulle Mendes is suggesting that money obscures its origins and takes on the promise of future opportunities rather than bearing traces of how it was initially acquired or accumulated.

By stating that money does not smell of “the mire whence it came” but instead has the “glorious scent of what will be”, Mendes implies wealth sheds its humble, unsavory beginnings to take on an aura of prospective achievement, pleasure or security in the eyes of its holder.

The interpretation is that Mendes viewed money as masking its origins through the aspirations and potential experiences it symbolizes for its new owner, allowing the means of attaining it to be disregarded or forgotten due to the allure of what wealth seemingly enables.

Mendes’ perspective conveys that money has a transformative quality that divorces it from any unsavory realities of how it was initially accumulated by infusing it with the promise of future opportunities and indulgences in the mind of the recipient.

Birthday: May 22, 1841 – Death: February 8, 1909

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