Brendan Fischer: Foreign Money in Elections

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 11, 2016

Brendan Fischer Money Quote saying foreign money is influencing elections by allowing U.S. corporations subsidiaries to funnel overseas contributions into campaigns. Brendan Fischer said:
Citizens United made it easier for foreign money to flow into U.S. elections through corporations Quote

“Citizens United made it easier for foreign money to flow into U.S. elections through corporations” — Brendan Fischer


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In this quote, Brendan Fischer seems to be critiquing one of the consequences of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision that deregulated campaign finance laws. Some key points:

  • Fischer notes that Citizens United, which allowed unlimited political spending by corporations/unions, made it “easier for foreign money to flow into U.S. elections”.
  • He appears to argue this is because money can now enter elections through domestic corporations even if the original source was foreign individuals or companies barred from direct political donations.
  • The quote implies Fischer views Citizens United as indirectly opening a loophole where foreign interests can potentially influence elections by channeling funds through American corporate entities.

Overall, Brendan Fischer seems to be suggesting the Citizens United ruling had the unintended effect of creating a pathway for illicit foreign money to potentially be routed into U.S. campaigns via domestic companies, weakening existing prohibitions on international political spending. He portrays this as an issue stemming from the decision’s deregulation of campaign finance activity by corporations and unions.


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