Bernie Sanders on Teachers vs Hedge Funds

Posted by admin on Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) Money Quotation saying financial wizards roll in the dough while our educators scrape together money with mommy bake sales. Bernie Sanders said:
Here is what income and wealth inequality is about. Last year, the top 25 hedge fund managers made more than 24 billion, enough to pay the salaries of 425,000 public school teachers Quote

“Here is what income and wealth inequality is about. Last year, the top 25 hedge fund managers made more than 24 billion, enough to pay the salaries of 425,000 public school teachers” — Bernie Sanders


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In this quote, Senator Bernie Sanders is highlighting the vast disparity between extremely high earners and more middle-class occupations. He notes that just 25 top hedge fund managers collectively earned over $24 billion last year. Sanders then points out that amount of money could have instead paid the salaries of over 425,000 public school teachers.

The quote conveys Sanders’ view that income and wealth inequality in the U.S. has reached dramatic levels, with a small handful of top earners making billions while many important jobs are relatively lower-paying. He appears to be using this comparison to argue that the system unfairly rewards certain elites with astronomical pay, while sectors like education lack adequate resources and compensation given their societal value and importance.


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