Bernie Sanders: Two-Tier Justice System

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bernie Sanders Money Quote saying We need consider fairness under the law because poor are prosecuted for petty crime, we need to guarantee prosecution for wealthy corporate crime. Bernie Sanders said:
e have got to end the two-tier justice system — one for the poor and working class and one for Wall Street and the wealthy Quote

“We have got to end the two-tier justice system — one for the poor and working class and one for Wall Street and the wealthy” — Bernie Sanders


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In this quote, Bernie Sanders seems to be criticizing what he views as an inequitable double standard within the U.S. justice system. Specifically:

  • He argues there are effectively “two-tier” or two classes of justice – one system for ordinary citizens (“the poor and working class”) and another more lenient system for powerful economic elites (“Wall Street and the wealthy”).
  • Sanders implies that the legal consequences and level of scrutiny applied differ based on socioeconomic status, with harsher treatment for average Americans compared to the affluent.
  • The quote conveys Sanders’ position that a truly fair and just legal framework should have one uniform set of principles, processes and outcomes applied equally regardless of income or social class.

Overall, Bernie Sanders appears to be decrying what he sees as an imbalance where ordinary people face stricter punishment for similar offenses compared to wealthy and corporate entities. He advocates for reforming the system to ensure one standard of justice without double standards based on financial means.

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