Arvind Venkat: Work for Happiness

Posted by admin on Thursday, June 28, 2018

Arvind Venkat Money Quote saying our objective should not be cash, but rather all the experiences and insights gained from our passions instead. Arvind Venkat said:
Don't work for money. Work for happiness and your passion and money will work for you! Quote

“Don’t work for money. work for happiness, work for peace, work for contentedness, work for your passion & money will work for you!” — Arvind Venkat


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In this quote, Arvind Venkat is advising people not to make the pursuit of money their main motivation for working. Rather than working primarily for financial gain, he suggests working to find happiness, peace, contentment and by following your passions.

Venkat argues that if these intrinsic rewards are the main focus, then money will naturally follow as a result of being fully engaged and fulfilled in your work. His point seems to be that true prosperity comes from finding work that is meaningful rather than stressful, and prioritizing inner well-being over wealth accumulation alone.

When people love what they do, Venkat believes this will lead to greater career success and earnings as a side effect or bonus.

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