Aristotle Onassis: Without Meaning

Posted by admin on Friday, January 3, 2020

Aristotle Onassis Money Quote saying his priorities seem to vary between respect and disrespect for both money and women. Aristotle Onassis said:
If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning Quote

“If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning” — Aristotle Onassis


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In this quote, Aristotle Onassis is expressing how important women are to him and likely many other men. By saying that all the money in the world would have no meaning without women, Onassis is suggesting that acquiring wealth and possessions would lose its purpose or value if not for the ability to attract or care for women.

The quote implies that Onassis, and perhaps others, see women as giving life, relationships and family meaning that makes financial success worthwhile. Onassis appears to be romantically conveying his view that money is only truly meaningful or valuable when it can be used to enrich one’s experiences with the women in their life.

Birthday: January 20, 1906 – March 15, 1975

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