Andrew Jackson: Money is Power

Posted by admin on Saturday, December 11, 2021

Andrew Jackson Money Quote saying Money is Power and those states that pay will dominate. Andrew Jackson said:
Money is power, and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated Quote

“Money is power, and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated” — Andrew Jackson


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In this quote, Andrew Jackson seems to be warning about the dangers of a centralized government controlling financial resources. The best interpretation is:

  • Jackson states that “money is power” – implying wealth enables control and influence over others.
  • He argues that if a single overarching government “pays all the public officers of the states”, it will effectively dominate politics across jurisdictions.
  • By financially supporting all levels of administration, Jackson believes this centralized authority will end up consolidating “all political power” as it can demand loyalty in exchange for funding key positions.

Overall, Jackson appears to be expressing concern that a federal government monopolizing payment of public servants across states will undermine balanced federalism and local autonomy. From his perspective, such a financial stranglehold would allow the central power to dictate politics by virtue of its money being the source of others’ livelihoods and resources according to the quote’s 19th century context.

Birthday: March 15, 1767 – Death: June 8, 1845

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