Albert Szent-Gyorgyi: Cash Machine

Posted by admin on Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Money Quote saying researching requires good researchers, observation, measurement and financing. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi said:
Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money Quote

“Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money” — Albert Szent-Gyorgyi


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In this quote, biochemist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi is listing the key components needed for scientific research. He suggests research requires: intelligence and thought processes (“brains”), observational abilities (“eyes”), instruments for testing and gathering data (“machines”), and financial backing (“money”).

Szent-Gyorgyi implies that while intelligence, skills and technology are crucial, they are limited without funding to support equipment, materials, personnel and other costs associated with research projects.

The quote conveys that money acts as a critical enabler of research, on par with human and technical resources. Overall, Szent-Gyorgyi acknowledges the practical necessity of monetary resources for fueling scientific inquiry and discovery alongside other indispensable factors like creativity and tools.

Birthday: September 16, 1893 – Death: October 22, 1986

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