Al Capone: Legal Taxes, Illegal Money

Posted by admin on Thursday, October 18, 2018

Al Capone Money Quote saying somehow it seems wrong to tax funds that are gained by criminal activity. Al Capone said:
They can't collect legal taxes from illegal money Quote

“They can’t collect legal taxes from illegal money” — Al Capone


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In this quote, Al Capone seems to be cynically pointing out a limitation or contradiction within the legal system as it relates to criminal enterprises. Some key points:

  • Capone notes that money earned through illegal means, such as criminal activities like racketeering, cannot be taxed by the government in the same way as lawful income.
  • He appears to be implying that this allows those engaged in organized crime to avoid paying taxes on huge ill-gotten profits, since reporting illegal income would be self-incriminating.
  • Capone’s comment suggests he views this as almost a loophole that enables criminal organizations to reap financial benefits from unlawful operations while evading significant tax obligations on their earnings.

Overall, the quote reflects Capone’s perspective that laws against tax evasion could not be fully enforced against himself and his criminal organization since much of their wealth was accumulated not through legal businesses and wages but rather the “illegal money” of organized criminal rackets that could not be reported to authorities for taxation like lawful income streams.

Birthday: January 17, 1899
Convicted of Tax Evasion on October 18, 1931
Died: January 25, 1947


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