Wendell Phillips: Corporate Wealth

Posted by admin on Friday, November 29, 2019

Wendell Phillips Money Quote saying fear of corporate wealth due to influence over politicians. Wendell Phillips said:
I confess that the only fear I have in regard to republican institutions is whether, in our day, any adequate remedy will be found for this incoming flood of the power of incorporated wealth Quote

“I confess that the only fear I have in regard to republican institutions is whether, in our day, any adequate remedy will be found for this incoming flood of the power of incorporated wealth” — Wendell Phillips


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In this quote, Wendell Phillips is expressing concern about the growing power and influence of large corporations in a democratic republic like the United States. He worries that as corporate wealth accumulates substantial economic power, it could potentially undermine political equality and self-governance by ordinary citizens.

Phillips seems to be suggesting that concentrated economic power in the hands of corporations, if left unchecked, may threaten the principles of a republic that is meant to serve the interests of individuals rather than private entities.

Overall, the quote conveys apprehension that “incorporated wealth” – referring to big businesses – could gain dominance over republican institutions if proper controls and remedies are not established to maintain a balance of power between ordinary people and powerful companies.

Birthday: November 29, 1811 – Death: February 2, 1884

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