Posts Tagged ‘tom petty’

Tom Petty: Make Less Profit

Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tom Petty Money Quote saying that being a musician doesn’t always lead to big money for performers, but those who love it may make it anyway. Tom Petty said:
When I decided to be a musician I reckoned that that was going to be the way of less profit, less money. I was sort of giving up the idea of making a lot of money. It was what I loved to do Quote

“When I decided to be a musician I reckoned that that was going to be the way of less profit, less money. I was sort of giving up the idea of making a lot of money. It was what I loved to do. I would have done it anyway” — Tom Petty


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In this quote, legendary musician Tom Petty is reflecting on deciding to pursue music as a career path. He acknowledges recognizing early on that it was “less profitable” and unlikely to make him “a lot of money” compared to other options.

However, Petty suggests music was his deepest passion and what he “loved to do” most, so much so that he “would have done it anyway” independent of financial rewards. The quote conveys Petty’s prioritizing of artistic fulfillment over wealth accumulation, being willing to accept lower earnings in exchange for following his calling.

Overall, it portrays Petty’s intrinsic motivation coming from a love of music itself rather than external factors like status or income.

Birthday: October 20, 1950 – October 2, 2017

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