Posts Tagged ‘many’

Irish Blessing: Lots of Money

Posted by admin on Sunday, March 17, 2019

Irish Money Blessing saying in this traditional Irish blessing wishing lots of money and friends, not necessarily in that order. Irish Blessing said:
May you have love that never ends, Lots of money and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do. And may God send many blessings to you Quote

“May you have love that never ends, Lots of money and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do. And may God send many blessings to you” — Irish Blessing


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In this Irish blessing, the speaker is wishing good things upon whoever receives it. Some key points:

  • It first wishes for “love that never ends”, referring to deep, lifelong affection and caring relationships.
  • Financial security is also mentioned, wishing the recipient “lots of money”.
  • Social connection and support are addressed through wishing for “lots of friends”.
  • Good health is called for, blessing them with well-being “whatever you do” in life.
  • Finally, it asks God to directly “send many blessings” of unspecified good fortune to the individual.

Overall, this traditional Irish blessing conveys wishes for both emotional/social fulfillment (love, friends), practical provision (money), physical wellness, and divine favor/luck as someone goes through life. It encapsulates hoping for prosperity and happiness on multiple levels for the blessed person.

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