Posts Tagged ‘heston blumenthal’

Heston Blumenthal on Uncompromised Earnings

Posted by admin on Saturday, August 2, 2014

Heston Blumenthal Money Quotation saying we should perform at our very best while earning our daily bread. Heston Blumenthal said:
Heston Blumenthal You need to do the work to bring the money in, but not compromise standards quote

“You need to do the work to bring the money in, but not compromise standards” — Heston Blumenthal


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In this quote, celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal appears to be emphasizing the importance of maintaining high standards in one’s work, even while pursuing financial success. He acknowledges that generating revenue requires significant effort (“do the work”), but cautions against compromising integrity or quality (“standards”) solely for monetary reasons.

Blumenthal seems to be advising that it is possible and preferable to prioritize both excellence and profitability without sacrificing one for the other.

The quote conveys Blumenthal’s view that businesses and professionals should focus on producing outstanding work, which will attract customers and “bring the money in” as a result, rather than viewing financial returns as the primary objective and cutting standards to maximize income.

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