Savings Quotes
- The page contains money quotes related to savings from famous people like Benjamin Franklin, Warren Buffett, and William Shakespeare
- The quotes emphasize the importance of saving money, investing, and being mindful of spending habits
- Some quotes touch on how saving can bring happiness and financial security
- Benjamin Franklin said “A penny saved is a penny earned”
- Warren Buffett advised to “Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving”
- Nearly half of Americans have less than $10,000 in savings with no plan for retirement
This page contains a collection of money quotes related to savings and money. Some of the quotes are from famous people like Benjamin Franklin, Warren Buffett, and William Shakespeare. The quotes emphasize the importance of saving money, investing, and being mindful of one’s spending habits. Some of the quotes also touch on the idea that saving money can bring happiness and financial security.
“Save a little money each month and at the end of the year you’ll be surprised at how little you have” — Ernest Haskins

“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind” — T.T. Munger

“All my money is in a savings account. My dad has explained the stock market to me maybe 75 times. I still don’t understand it” — John Mulaney

“Save your money. You’re going to need twice as much money in your old age as you think” — Michael Caine
You may have a lot of money tied up in your savings but if you neglected to save up happiness then your money is worthless” — Kora-Lea Vidal
“If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting” — Benjamin Franklin
“How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case” — Robert G. Allen
“Nearly half of all Americans have less than $10,000 in savings and have no idea how they will be able to retire with dignity” — Bernie Sanders
“Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving” — Warren Buffett
“Men become wise just as they become rich, more by what they save than by what they receive” — Wilbur Wright
“Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can” — John Wesley
Saving is a fine thing. Especially when your parents have done it for you” — Winston Churchill
“The shortest period of time lies between the minute you put some money away for a rainy day and the unexpected arrival of rain” — Jane Bryant Quinn
“Financial security and independence are like a three-legged stool resting on savings, insurance and investments” — Brian Tracy
“A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some” — Joe Moore
“A penny saved is a penny earned” — Benjamin Franklin
“If you wish to get rich, save what you get. A fool can earn money; but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his own advantage” — Brigham Young
“You don’t know how long you’re going to play, you’ve got to save every dollar even though you are making a good salary” — Kirk Cousins
“Try to save something while your salary is small; it’s impossible to save after you begin to earn more” — Jack Benny
“Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give” — William A. Ward
“I’ve looked after my money. As I started working around my third birthday, my first check went straight to the bank” — Samantha Barks
“We usually save money to waste it” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“If saving money is wrong, I don’t want to be right!” — William Shatner
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