Samuel Butler: Easier Made Than Kept

Posted by admin on Monday, December 14, 2015

Samuel Butler Money Quotation saying friends are sometimes exact costs when taken for granted and can be spent like money until gone. Samuel Butler said:
Friendship is like money, easier made than kept Quote

“Friendship is like money, easier made than kept” — Samuel Butler


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In this quote, writer and philosopher Samuel Butler seems to be drawing a comparison between friendship and money, suggesting they share an important similarity. By stating that friendship is “easier made than kept,” just as accumulating money is easier than maintaining wealth, Butler appears to be arguing that while initiating relationships or earning funds is relatively straightforward, sustaining them over the long run requires much more sustained effort.

The quote conveys that both friendships and monetary savings demand ongoing nurturing and investment to preserve their value rather than wither away. Overall, Butler seems to be cautioning that the true challenges lie not in establishing connections or acquiring resources, but rather in preserving them for the long haul through continued care, commitment and renewal of effort.

Birthday: December 4, 1835 – Death: June 18, 1902

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