Samantha Barks: Look After Money
on Thursday, March 26, 2020Samantha Barks Money Quote saying that earning money as a child means having the option to save and invest. Samantha Barks said:
“I’ve looked after my money. As I started working around my third birthday, my first check went straight to the bank” — Samantha Barks
In this quote, Samantha Barks seems to be conveying that she developed strong habits around financially responsibility and savings from a very young age. By stating she began working at around 3 years old and deposited her first paycheck directly into a bank account, Barks appears to be suggesting she learned the importance of properly managing money early on in life.
Her comment implies she understood the value of saving earnings rather than spending it all immediately, and made banking and saving a priority even as a small child just starting her career. Barks’ quote portrays developing prudent financial behaviors, like regularly putting money away in a bank, as something she has practiced consistently since a very young working age.