Quentin Tarantino: Movie Money

Posted by admin on Saturday, March 27, 2021

Quentin Tarantino Money Quote saying he wants investors in his movies to do well because he delivers a profitable movie. Quentin Tarantino said:
It’s very important that every movie I do makes money because I want the people that had the faith in me to get their money back Quote

“It’s very important that every movie I do makes money because I want the people that had the faith in me to get their money back” — Quentin Tarantino


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In this quote, Quentin Tarantino seems to be expressing his view that it is important for each of his films to be financially successful at the box office. By saying he wants “the people that had the faith in me to get their money back,” he appears to be referring to the film studios and producers who invest in making his movies.

Tarantino’s statement suggests he feels a responsibility to those who fund his projects to have commercial returns on their financial backing. His quote implies he sees box office profits as a way to validate the trust that investors placed in him as a filmmaker, and to allow him the opportunity to continue getting backing for future films.

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