Peter Lynch on Dumb Smart Money

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 22, 2013

Peter Lynch Money Quotation saying the best of all investors have made major investment mistakes and face losses often. Peter Lynch said:
A long list of losers from my own portfolio constantly reminds me that the so-called smart money is exceedingly dumb about 40% of the time Quote

“A long list of losers from my own portfolio constantly reminds me that the so-called smart money is exceedingly dumb about 40% of the time” — Peter Lynch


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In this money quote, Peter Lynch is referring to investments he made that lost money despite the conventional wisdom that they were good investments. Peter Lynch was a famous investor who believed that individual investors can outperform the market if they do their research on companies.

In the quote, he is saying that even though some investments are considered “smart money” by experts, about 40% of the time those investments actually end up losing money. So he is reminding himself and others that even investments considered smart by professionals can often fail, based on his own investment mistakes.

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