Michael Kaiser on Cybercrime Technology

Posted by admin on Saturday, November 9, 2013

Michael Kaiser Money Quotation saying as executive director of the National Cyber Security Alliance that we need to remain vigilant for new types of crime as cybercrime technology evolves. Michael Kaiser said:
Cybercrime is evolving, as the bad guys get smarter and use newer technologies, They’re always looking for new ways to steal your money Quote

“Cybercrime is evolving, as the bad guys get smarter and use newer technologies, They’re always looking for new ways to steal your money” — Michael Kaiser


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In this quote, Michael Kaiser is warning about the evolving nature of cybercrime and how criminals are finding increasingly sophisticated methods of stealing people’s money online.

He notes that as technology advances, cybercriminals are also getting smarter about exploiting new platforms and vulnerabilities to target individuals’ financial information and accounts. The quote conveys Kaiser’s message that “the bad guys” are constantly seeking out novel techniques made possible by changing technologies to perpetrate financial theft.

Kaiser appears to be encouraging vigilance and caution, as cyber thieves will continue adapting their strategies to keep pace with digital transformation and prey upon any opportunities it creates.

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