Karl Widerquist: Rich Tell Poor What to Do

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 25, 2017

Karl Widerquist Money Quote saying we need to stop thinking that those with money should tell the poor and those with little money what is best for them. Karl Widerquist said:
Basic income works everywhere. We can all realize it. We just have to give up the belief that the rich should have the right to tell the poor what to do Quote

Basic income works everywhere. We can all realize it. We just have to give up the belief that the rich should have the right to tell the poor what to do” — Karl Widerquist


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Karl Widerquist is arguing that a universal basic income could work effectively in any country or society. However, he suggests that for it to be realized, people must relinquish the belief that the wealthy should have authority over the poor and the right to dictate what the less fortunate should do.

Widerquist implies that this dynamic currently prevents a basic income because the rich are opposed to losing some of their influence and control over the lives of the poor. But if societies reject the notion that the rich are entitled to dominate the poor, then a universal basic income becomes much more achievable according to Widerquist’s view.

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