Elizabeth Warren on Corporate Lobbyists

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Elizabeth Warren Money Quote saying wealthy corporate clients have lobbyists working for them while american families have only politicians. Elizabeth Warren said:
Elizabeth Warren Lobbyists and lawyers are lining up by the thousands to push for new laws — laws that will help their rich and powerful clients get richer and more powerful quote

“Lobbyists and lawyers are lining up by the thousands to push for new laws — laws that will help their rich and powerful clients get richer and more powerful” — Elizabeth Warren


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is criticizing how lobbyists and lawyers work to influence lawmakers and push for new laws and regulations that benefit large corporations and wealthy special interests, not average citizens.

She argues that these lobbyists and lawyers are trying to craft policies that will make their rich and powerful clients even richer and more powerful, rather than looking out for the interests of regular Americans. The overall message is that she believes too much political influence comes from well-funded lobbyists and special interests, as opposed to the public good.

1% Own Half the World's Wealth by Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune

Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune


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