Elizabeth Warren: Big Company Lobbyists & Lawyers

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Elizabeth Warren Money Quotation saying voters elected congress to protect the interest of taxpayers and not the interests of Wall Street banks. Elizabeth Warren said:
Elizabeth Warren The American people sent us here to stand up for taxpayers, to protect the economy

“The American people sent us here. Republicans, democrats, and independents. They sent us here to stand up for them, to stand up for taxpayers, to protect the economy. Nobody sent us here to stand up for Citigroup” — Elizabeth Warren


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is arguing that elected officials in Congress are meant to represent the interests of ordinary American citizens, not large corporations like Citigroup. She asserts that voters elected both Republicans and Democrats to stand up for taxpayers and protect the overall economy. However, Warren suggests that no one voted for their representatives simply to advocate for the priorities and wishes of big banks.

The quote conveys Warren’s view that politicians should champion middle-class interests rather than cater primarily to large companies and their lobbyists. She believes elected officials were sent to Washington to serve citizens, not powerful corporate entities like Citigroup.

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