Charles Handy: Excelling Company
on Sunday, April 19, 2020Charles Handy Money Quote saying that when it comes to what matters most to a company, a purpose and a soul matters above all. Charles Handy said:
“The companies that survive longest are the one’s that work out what they uniquely can give to the world not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy. Some call those things a soul” — Charles Handy
This quote suggests that for companies to truly endure and thrive over the long run, it is not enough to solely pursue growth, profits, or money. Rather, the companies that last are those who identify and dedicate themselves to uniquely contributing some higher purpose or value to the world through “their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy.”
Charles Handy refers to this deeper sense of purpose or meaning as a company’s “soul.” The quote implies that by cultivating a soul focused on a mission beyond just wealth accumulation, companies can build deeper connections with customers, employees and society that allow them to survive economic or industry changes in a way that soulless, purely profit-driven enterprises cannot.