Wei-Hock Soon: Not Money Motivated

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wei-Hock Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Money Quotation denying climate change while denying there is a financial motivation to do so, after being funded by energy & oil industry to research against theory of climate change. Wei-Hock Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said:
Wei-Hock Soon I write proposals; I let them decide whether to fund me or not, If they choose to fund me, I’m happy to receive it. I would never be motivated by money for anything quote

“I write proposals; I let them decide whether to fund me or not, If they choose to fund me, I’m happy to receive it. I would never be motivated by money for anything” — Wei-Hock Soon


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Wei-Hock Soon seems to be suggesting that his primary motivation for research is the pursuit of knowledge, not financial gain. Specifically, he notes that he submits proposals (“I write proposals”) and allows funders to decide whether to support his work (“I let them decide whether to fund me or not”).

While being willing to accept funding if awarded (“If they choose to fund me, I’m happy to receive it”), he emphasizes this does not compromise his objectivity or drive his work, stating “I would never be motivated by money for anything.”

Overall, the quote indicates that Soon views himself as driven first by intellectual curiosity rather than financial interests, even as he participates in the normal process of seeking research grants. He appears to want to reassure others that funding sources do not improperly influence or direct the focus of his scientific inquiries.

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