W. Somerset Maugham: 6th Sense Uses 5

Posted by admin on Saturday, August 1, 2015

W. Somerset Maugham Money Quotation saying great income enables all the senses you have no use of before getting it. W. Somerset Maugham said:
Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five Quote

“Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five” — W. Somerset Maugham


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In this quote, author W. Somerset Maugham is comparing money to an additional sense and suggesting it is almost a necessity to fully utilize our five basic senses. His view seems to be that without financial resources, a person cannot optimally experience life through sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

Maugham implies that poverty acts as a constraint, as those without money lack opportunities to engage fully with experiences, culture, travel, cuisine and more sensory pleasures that broaden life’s richness.

His perspective is that wealth provides the means to appreciate existence through all senses rather than just basic survival. The quote conveys Maugham’s belief that accumulating money in a way unlocks additional sensory engagement with the world that would otherwise be out of reach for many without economic means.

Birthday: January 25, 1874 – Death: December 16, 1965

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