Vincent Price: Made of Money

Posted by admin on Thursday, May 27, 2021

Vincent Price Money Quote saying that very often the solution to our problems involve taking steps that are made of money. Vincent Price said:
many steps to walk up, and most of the ones I know of, not only for myself but others, are made of money Quote

“In order to get out of the dumps, there are many steps to walk up, and most of the ones I know of, not only for myself but others, are made of money” — Vincent Price


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Vincent Price is saying that in order to improve one’s mood or lift oneself out of a depressed state, often the steps or solutions involve money in some way. He suggests that from his own experience and observations of others, many paths to feeling better emotionally are tied to having more financial resources.

This could refer to being able to afford recreational activities, material goods, healthcare, or other things that provide distraction or relief from sadness or negative feelings. In essence, Price acknowledges that money frequently plays a role in enhancing one’s mental well-being or mood when they are feeling “in the dumps.”

Birthday: May 27, 1911 – Death: October 25, 1993

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