Thomas Carlyle: Fortunes Inequality

Posted by admin on Monday, August 17, 2020

Thomas Carlyle Money Quote saying that someone hungry for a job who can’t find one is true inequality. Thomas Carlyle said:
A man willing to work and unable to find work is perhaps the saddest sight that fortunes inequality exhibits under this sun Quote

“A man willing to work and unable to find work is perhaps the saddest sight that fortunes inequality exhibits under this sun” — Thomas Carlyle


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This quote suggests that Thomas Carlyle felt unemployment was a tragic consequence of economic inequality. He saw an able-bodied man willing to work but unable to find a job as one of the saddest things that could result from unequal distribution of wealth and opportunity in society.

Carlyle appears to be expressing sympathy for those struggling in vain to earn a living through no fault of their own due to lack of available work. The quote conveys that involuntary joblessness was a major social ill that highlighted imbalances in the system according to Carlyle’s view.

Birthday: December 4, 1795 – Death: February 5, 1881

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