Posts Tagged ‘will durant’

William Durant: What is Money?

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 26, 2022

William Durant Money Quote saying money is not everything, it can be loaned to men until they use it or die – then it’s spent or gone. William Durant said:
Money, what is money? It is only loaned to a man: he comes into the world with nothing and he leaves with nothing Quote

“Money, what is money? It is only loaned to a man: he comes into the world with nothing and he leaves with nothing” — William Durant


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In this quote, William Durant is making a philosophical point about the transient nature of money and material wealth. Specifically, he notes that individuals are born with nothing and they ultimately depart this world with nothing, so money itself is a temporary thing that is only “loaned” to a person during their lifetime.

The best interpretation is that Durant believed money holds no intrinsic value, since one enters and exits life empty-handed. From this perspective, money is just something we have access to and control over for a limited period of time, but it is not truly ours and does not last beyond death.

Overall, Durant seems to be encouraging people not to place too much importance on accumulating wealth, since ultimately it cannot be retained once life concludes. Money is almost an illusion from this viewpoint, as what really matters are non-material things like relationships, experiences and contributions that outlive an individual.

Birthday: November 5, 1885 – Death: November 7, 1981

Will Durant: Men Manage Money

Posted by admin on Friday, May 21, 2021

Will Durant Money Quote saying historically, we see that managers of people have less control than those focusing on money management. Will Durant said:
History reports that the men who can manage men manage the men who can manage only things, and the men who can manage money manage all Quote

“History reports that the men who can manage men manage the men who can manage only things, and the men who can manage money manage all” — Will Durant


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In this quote, historian Will Durant is making an observation about hierarchies of power and influence. He suggests that those who excel at managing people will rise above those focused only on managing resources or tasks. And those skilled at financial management will ultimately oversee both groups. Durant implies that softer skills like motivating and leading others are more impactful than technical abilities alone.

The quote conveys the idea that the ability to effectively direct and inspire human talent tends to correlate with greater authority and control over organizations. Overall, Durant appears to be acknowledging the importance of strong interpersonal skills for achieving leadership positions with broad spheres of responsibility.

Birthday: November 5, 1885 – Death: November 7, 1981

Will Durant: Socialism Age, Money

Posted by admin on Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Will Durant Money Quote saying socialism as a philosophy can be altered with time and money. Will Durant said:
There Is Nothing In Socialism That A Little Money Or A Little Age Will Not Cure Quote

“There Is Nothing In Socialism That A Little Money Or A Little Age Will Not Cure” — Will Durant


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In this quote, Will Durant seems to be making a skeptical observation about socialism. By stating that “There is nothing in socialism that a little money or a little age will not cure”, Durant implies that greater financial security or life experience tend to diminish support for socialist ideals.

The quote conveys Durant’s perspective that socialist views are often held by those who are younger and have fewer resources, but that as people acquire wealth or mature with age, they become less inclined to support socialist policies and systems.

Overall, Durant appears to be suggesting socialist leanings are more a product of circumstance and naivete that fades rather than substantive positions, since “a little money or a little age” is enough in his view to alter one’s views on the subject.

Birthday: November 5, 1885 – Death: November 7, 1981

Will Durant: Robbing the Rich

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 27, 2020

Will Durant Money Quote saying the poor love money as much as the rich and the need to stop the one from attacking the other. Will Durant said:
keep the rich from denuding the poor by ability or subtlety and the poor from robbing the rich by violence or votes Quote

“Forced to choose, the poor, like the rich, love money more than political liberty; and the only political freedom capable of enduring is one that is so pruned as to keep the rich from denuding the poor by ability or subtlety and the poor from robbing the rich by violence or votes” — Will Durant


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In this quote, Will Durant seems to be commenting on the complex relationship between wealth, poverty, freedom and stability within a society. By observing that both the poor and rich “love money more than political liberty”, Durant implies financial security is a higher priority for most than other rights, creating incentives for conflict.

His additional statement that the only enduring freedom is one that prevents the rich from “denuding the poor” through “ability or subtlety” while also stopping the poor from “robbing the rich” through “violence or votes” conveys Durant’s perspective that balance is needed to curb abuses of wealth or populism.

Overall, the quote portrays Durant’s view that political systems can only persist if they check both the disproportionate influence of money in politics as well as unrest caused by extreme inequality, as prioritizing either the rich or poor’s interests risks instability.

Birthday: November 5, 1885 – Death: November 7, 1981

Will Durant: Adequate Income

Posted by admin on Monday, September 14, 2020

Adequate Marriage Income
Will Durant Money Quote saying enough money to cover hasty marriage contingencies is a bonus. Will Durant said:
I am not against hasty marriages, where a mutual flame is fanned by an adequate income Quote

“I am not against hasty marriages, where a mutual flame is fanned by an adequate income” — Will Durant


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This quote by Will Durant suggests that while passionate love or attraction between partners (“a mutual flame”) is important for a marriage, it also helps if the couple has a sufficient level of financial means (“an adequate income”) to support themselves.

Durant seems to be saying that he does not object to marriages that happen quickly when the relationship is intense, as long as the spouses also have the economic resources required to establish a stable home together.

The quote implies that both strong emotions and adequate finances are important factors that can contribute to the success of even a hastily entered marriage, according to Durant’s perspective on what constitutes a wise match.

Birthday: November 5, 1885 – Death: November 7, 1981

Will Durant on Prioritized Hoarding

Posted by admin on Monday, March 17, 2014

Will Durant Money Quote saying finance folks know that time brings inflation and wisdom dictates that money stay in circulation. Will Durant said:
Bankers know that history is inflationary and that money is the last thing a wise man will hoard Quote

Bankers know that history is inflationary and that money is the last thing a wise man will hoard” — Will Durant


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Will Durant is suggesting that bankers understand from studying history that currency tends to lose value over time due to inflation. He says that a wise person will not excessively accumulate money and hoard it, since its purchasing power is likely to diminish as inflation rises.

Durant seems to be advising against viewing money as the primary goal or measure of success, and instead focusing on more meaningful pursuits that create lasting value rather than temporary wealth that could be eroded by inflation.

His quote implies that history shows money is not a secure long-term store of value, so it’s not prudent to prioritize its accumulation above all else.

Birthday: November 5, 1885 – Death: November 7, 1981

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