Posts Tagged ‘want’
Next Page »Heath Ledger: No Amount Money
on Sunday, April 4, 2021Heath Ledger Money Quote saying the way of doing work doesn’t change with how much someone is paid for doing their work and time spent doing what we love. Heath Ledger said:
“No amount of money changes what I do between ‘action’ and ‘cut’. Before I got into the industry, I never imagined I’d have anywhere near the money I have now. I don’t need any more. It’s not that I don’t want the money, it’s just that I would have been really happy sitting on a beach or surfing every morning” — Heath Ledger
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In this quote, the late actor Heath Ledger is reflecting on his career and relationship with money. He suggests that regardless of financial compensation, his focus and work ethic as an actor remain the same between takes.
Ledger also conveys that prior to fame, he never envisioned accumulating wealth, and that while not opposed to money, he doesn’t feel he “needs” more as his simple pleasures in life like beach time and surfing could provide happiness.
Overall, the quote portrays Ledger as more intrinsically motivated by artistic fulfillment than wealth, and content with modest means if it allowed leisurely joys – implying financial success was an unexpected bonus rather than driving force for his career choices and lifestyle.
Birthday: April 4, 1979 – Death: January 22, 2008
Damien Hess: Giving to Give
on Sunday, December 6, 2020Damien Hess Money Quote saying to offer what isn’t required or when it isn’t required of us is known as service. Damien Hess said:
“Service… Giving what you don’t have to give. Giving when you don’t need to give. Giving because you want to give” — Damien Hess
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Damien Hess talks here about the concept of service through giving without obligation. Hess is saying that true service involves giving something even when you are not required to, such as your time or resources, and giving when you personally don’t have any need for what you are providing.
The key part of the quote is that service means giving simply because you want to help others, not because it benefits you or is expected of you. Overall, Hess is promoting the idea that the most meaningful acts of service come from generosity extended freely without strings attached.
Merle Haggard: Makes More Money
on Friday, March 27, 2020Merle Haggard Money Quote saying it is more profitable to offer fans formula than what they really want to have. Merle Haggard said:
“It’s easier to force feed people than it is to give ’em what they want. It makes more money” — Merle Haggard
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Birthday: April 6, 1937 – Death: April 6, 2016
Theodore Parker: Wealth & Want
on Friday, March 13, 2020Theodore Parker Money Quote saying that having lots of cash is sometimes as tough as not having any at all. Theodore Parker said:
“Wealth and want equally harden the human heart, like frost and fire both are alien to human flesh” — Theodore Parker
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In this quote, Theodore Parker seems to be conveying that both extreme wealth and extreme poverty can desensitize people in a way that is harmful to their humanity. By stating that both “wealth and want equally harden the human heart, like frost and fire both are alien to human flesh”, Parker implies that being overly affluent or impoverished pushes people away from empathy and compassion.
The quote conveys Parker’s perspective that living far outside the normal experience of most people, whether in conditions of great luxury or great deprivation, makes it more difficult to relate to the struggles of others and feel with fellow feeling. Overall, Parker appears to be arguing that while money and lack of money shape life very differently, both extremes can diminish people’s capacity for tenderness and their connection to a common human nature we all share.
David Keating: Donors Remain Confidential
on Friday, September 21, 2018David Keating Money Quote saying passing laws that remove the cloak of invisibility from political donors is against the wishes of those shy donors. David Keating said:
“Our donors gave us money under the assumption they would remain confidential, and we don’t want to do things that would make them not give us money anymore” — David Keating
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In this quote, David Keating seems to be explaining why his organization chooses to keep donor identities confidential. Some key points:
- He notes that donors contributed funds under the “assumption” or implicit agreement that their names and donations would not be publicly disclosed.
- Keating suggests the organization wants to honor this expectation of anonymity in order to maintain donors’ trust and willingness to continue contributing.
- He implies that if donor privacy was compromised, it could damage the organization’s reputation for discretion and cause current/future donors to reconsider their support out of fear of exposure or retaliation.
Overall, the quote conveys Keating’s view that donor confidentiality is important to respect donors’ preferences and conditions for giving, as well as to avoid any actions that may discourage philanthropy by making contributors feel their private support could become publicly known against their wishes. For Keating, donor privacy helps ensure ongoing, trusted relationships between donors and recipients.
Gary Vaynerchuk: Customer Is Always Right
on Saturday, June 25, 2016Gary Vaynerchuk Money Quote saying in this commonly accepted adage, we agree that most buyers will only purchase if you agree and support them. Gary Vaynerchuk said:
“The customer is always right as long as you expect and want their money” — Gary Vaynerchuk
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In this quote, Gary Vaynerchuk is providing a pragmatic perspective on the common business adage that “the customer is always right.” He acknowledges that customers should generally be treated as right when it comes to their needs, wants and complaints.
However, Vaynerchuk adds the caveat that this principle only applies “as long as you expect and want their money.” In other words, businesses should cater to customers and prioritize customer satisfaction, but there are also reasonable limits to how much a company must bend to a customer’s demands or complaints if that particular customer is not actually providing the business with revenue or profit.
So in essence, Vaynerchuk is saying customer service should be a top priority, but not to the point where it disregards the financial interests of the business itself.
Akhil Khanna: Rich Means Not Wanting
on Friday, March 4, 2016Akhil Khanna Money Quote saying we are wealthy when we no longer feel poor and need no more than we already have. Akhil Khanna said:
“A Rich Person Is One Who Does Not Want Any More Money” — Akhil Khanna
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This quote from Akhil Khanna is making a philosophical point about wealth and contentment. By stating that a “rich person” is someone who does not want any more money, Khanna is suggesting true riches come from an internal sense of fulfillment rather than the accumulation of external financial assets.
The implication is that once basic needs are met and additional earnings would provide only marginal improvements to quality of life, a person has effectively achieved wealth in the deeper sense of finding non-monetary satisfaction and no longer defining success or happiness in purely fiscal terms.
In essence, the quote defines richness as a psychological state of not desiring more, and implies true affluence involves a level of material comfort beyond which further earnings lose their ability to buy greater contentment.
Curtis Carlson on Going After Cash
on Monday, July 28, 2014Curtis Carlson Money Quotation saying just go get money if that is what you are after – because there is plenty available to you. Curtis Carlson said:
“All my life I knew that there was all the money you could want out there. All you have to do is go after it” — Curtis Carlson
In this quote, businessman Curtis Carlson seems to be conveying his belief that significant wealth is attainable for those who actively pursue it. By stating he always knew “there was all the money you could want…out there,” Carlson suggests that ample financial opportunities exist for people willing to “go after” them aggressively.
The quote portrays Carlson’s perspective that abundance is available in the world for those dedicated to seeking it out through hard work, risk-taking and determination. He appears to believe great riches are there for the taking for individuals who make obtaining money a top priority and are proactive about identifying ways to generate wealth.
Overall, Carlson is communicating an optimistic, can-do attitude when it comes to amassing wealth through one’s own initiative and efforts.