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Henry Ford: Highest Wage Possible

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 28, 2023

Meaning of Henry Ford Money Quote: saying make great stuff at low cost and paying high wages for successful business. Henry Ford said:

Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible Quote

“There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible” — Henry Ford


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In this quote, Henry Ford is outlining his philosophy of business and manufacturing. He advocates that industrialists should aim to produce the highest quality goods possible while keeping costs as low as can be reasonably achieved.

At the same time, he stresses the importance of paying workers the highest wages that the business model allows. This approach sees quality, efficiency and fair compensation as complementary rather than competing priorities.

Ford appears to believe this balanced strategy is the best way to run a sustainable business that benefits all stakeholders over the long run – customers, shareholders and employees alike. The quote promotes a holistic view of business success beyond just profits or low prices.

Birthday: July 30, 1863 – Death: April 7, 1947

Nabeel Qureshi: Wages of Sin

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 27, 2023

Meaning of Nabeel Qureshi Money Quote: saying pays Incurred debt for wages of sin, balancing accounts. Nabeel Qureshi said:
debt against God, and we can’t pay Him back. So in His mercy, He pays our sins for us. The wages of our sin is death, and He died on our behalf, balancing the accounts Quote

“We are the son, and God is the father. We have incurred a debt against God, and we can’t pay Him back. So in His mercy, He pays our sins for us. The wages of our sin is death, and He died on our behalf, balancing the accounts” — Nabeel Qureshi


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This quote from Nabeel Qureshi conveys a theological perspective about the relationship between God and humanity. Some key points in interpreting it:

  • Qureshi portrays humans as essentially “incurring a debt” to God through sin and imperfection, unable to repay this debt through our own efforts.
  • He suggests God takes on the role of a merciful father who pays the “wages” or consequences of sins (death) on our behalf through Jesus’ crucifixion to absolve this debt.
  • Qureshi’s perspective reflects a Christian theological view of salvation through Christ’s atoning sacrifice “balancing the accounts” between God and people.
  • However, reasonable people can interpret scripture and spiritual matters differently based on individual study and conscience.

Overall, the quote conveys Qureshi’s religious belief in God absolving humanity’s debt through Jesus’ death. A balanced interpretation acknowledges this perspective while also recognizing that people of good faith can disagree on doctrinal interpretations and find meaning through diverse spiritual paths and philosophies according to their own conscience and understanding.

George Orwell: Unemployed Losing

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 4, 2023

Meaning of George Orwell Money Quote: saying an unemployed person may need work more than money. George Orwell said:

unemployed man only worries about losing his wages; work habit in his bones, needs work even more than he needs money Quote

“People are wrong when they think that an unemployed man only worries about losing his wages; on the contrary, an illiterate man, with the work habit in his bones, needs work even more than he needs money” — George Orwell


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Orwell is saying that for many people, especially those who are used to working, having a job is more important than just receiving money or wages. Even if an unemployed person is getting some financial support, they may still feel unfulfilled and lack purpose without meaningful work to do.

Orwell suggests that the structure, social interaction, and sense of contribution that often comes from employment can be as vital psychologically as the money itself. So while losing wages is difficult, losing the work itself and the habits that come with it may be an even greater challenge for some unemployed individuals.

Birthday: June 25, 1903 – Death: January 25, 1950

Ayn Rand: America’s Abundance

Posted by admin on Thursday, December 8, 2022

Meaning of Ayn Rand Money Quote: saying many fortunes have been created and grown to the benefit of the country. Ayn Rand said:
 making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America's industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods Quote

“America’s abundance was created not by public sacrifices to the common good, but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America’s industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scientific discovery or technological advance- and thus the whole country was moving forward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the way” — Ayn Rand


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In this quote, Ayn Rand is praising the free market system and private enterprise as the drivers of America’s economic success and abundance. She argues that America’s industrialization and wealth were not created through public sacrifices or taxation, but rather through individuals pursuing their own self-interest and profit motives in business.

Innovators and entrepreneurs created new machines, technologies, and industries not to benefit the common good, but to build their own private fortunes. However, in doing so through free market competition, they simultaneously created more and better jobs for others, higher wages, and lower consumer prices, benefiting the whole country.

Rand is asserting that the free market system allowed whole societies to progress together through individual profit-seeking, rather than requiring public sacrifices for some abstract “common good.”

Birthday: February 2, 1905 – Death: March 6, 1982

William F. Buckley Jr: Inflation Policy

Posted by admin on Saturday, November 19, 2022

Meaning of William F. Buckley Jr. Money Quote: saying monetary policy solutions to inflation seems to exacerbate financial problems. William F. Buckley Jr. said:
increase in his wages, discourages private investment, and sets off a new deflationary spiral Quote

“The inflation that comes inevitably with government pump-priming soon catches up with the laborer, wipes away any real increase in his wages, discourages private investment, and sets off a new deflationary spiral which can in turn only be counteracted by more coercive and paternalistic government policies” — William F. Buckley Jr.


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William F. Buckley Jr. is warning about the negative economic cycle that can result from inflation caused by excessive government spending and intervention in the economy. The quote suggests that when the government artificially boosts demand through “pump-priming” policies like increased spending or lower interest rates, it initially leads to higher wages for laborers.

However, Buckley argues this inflation will eventually “catch up” to wages and erase any real gains as prices rise accordingly. He believes this inflation then discourages private businesses from investing due to uncertainty.

Buckley claims all of this sets in motion a deflationary spiral that can only be addressed through even more intrusive government policies and control over the economy. Overall, the message is that inflation spawned by pump-priming has unintended consequences and leads to a situation requiring ever-increasing government intervention.

Birthday: November 24, 1925 – Death: February 27, 2008

Mae West: Tax Wages of Sin

Posted by admin on Saturday, May 28, 2022

Mae West Money Quote saying the IRS has no interestin taxing the wages of sin, so it keeps all income. Mae West said:
When it comes to finances, remember that there are no withholding taxes on the wages of sin Quote

“When it comes to finances, remember that there are no withholding taxes on the wages of sin” — Mae West


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Mae West is suggesting that money earned from sinful or illicit activities is not taxed by the government in the same way that legal wages are.

Specifically, she’s referring to how the government collects taxes from regular paychecks by withholding a portion upfront, but does not do the same for money earned through morally questionable means.

Overall, the quote is implying that sin can be financially lucrative since the profits are not reduced through mandatory taxes.

Birthday: August 17, 1893 – Death November 22, 1980

Nick Hanauer: Trickle-Down Scam

Posted by admin on Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Nick Hanauer Money Quote saying trickle down is a scam perpetrated by the rich and taking advantage of the everyman. Nick Hanauer said:
 lower wages are good for the economy. here's the thing: trickle down is a scam that benefits rich guys like me while screwing everyone else. Don't buy it Quote

“Americans are right to be pissed. Trickle downers have screwed people over for decades by lowering taxes on the rich, deregulating banks and other powerful corporations, and by convincing people that lower wages are good for the economy. here’s the thing: trickle down is a scam that benefits rich guys like me while screwing everyone else. Don’t buy it” — Nick Hanauer


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In this quote, Nick Hanauer is strongly criticizing “trickle down” economic policies that aim to stimulate the economy by giving tax cuts and other benefits primarily to wealthy individuals and large corporations.

Specifically, Hanauer argues that for decades such approaches have had negative impacts by lowering taxes on the rich, deregulating banks and companies, and promoting the idea that reducing wages is good overall.

He contends that trickle down theory is essentially a “scam” that mainly advantages people like himself who are already very wealthy, while disadvantaging average Americans.

Hanauer also acknowledges the justified anger (“Americans are right to be pissed”) that such policies have generated among the public.

Overall, the best interpretation is that Hanauer vehemently believes trickle down economics is a flawed concept that is falsely marketed as helping the broader economy but is actually just another way to further concentrate wealth and power among the richest members of society to the detriment of others. He warns the public not to accept its claims at face value.

Robert Reich: Poverty-Level Wages

Posted by admin on Sunday, April 11, 2021

Robert Reich Money Quote saying those working full time jobs at minimum wage are costing the government in subsidies for those same families, so employers should contribute or pay more to workers. Robert Reich said:
Poverty-level wages cost U.S. taxpayers $152.8 billion a year in public support for working families. So it's only logical to raise taxes on big companies that give their workers poverty-level wages, to pay for this subsidy Quote

Poverty-level wages cost U.S. taxpayers $152.8 billion a year in public support for working families. So it’s only logical to raise taxes on big companies that give their workers poverty-level wages, to pay for this subsidy” — Robert Reich


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In this quote, Robert Reich is making the argument that large companies which pay their workers very low, poverty-level wages are effectively being subsidized by taxpayers.

He notes that it costs the US public an estimated $152.8 billion annually to provide support like food stamps, Medicaid and tax credits to working families who still live in poverty despite being employed.

Reich proposes that rather than taxpayers footing this bill, companies should be taxed more if they are paying wages so low that their workers still require public assistance.

By raising taxes on these large firms, it could help offset the costs that taxpayers incur to support these working poor.

Overall, Reich is advocating for higher taxes on big businesses as a way to recoup some of the public subsidies that go to prop up the low wages paid by profitable corporations.

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