Posts Tagged ‘vera nazarian’

Vera Nazarian: Jackpot Lottery Ticket Won

Posted by admin on Saturday, April 7, 2018

Vera Nazarian Money Quote saying no matter which ticket wins the lottery, only those which were purchased have any chance of winning. Vera Nazarian said:
Before that lottery ticket won the jackpot, someone had to buy it Quote

“Before that lottery ticket won the jackpot, someone had to buy it” — Vera Nazarian


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In this quote, Vera Nazarian seems to be making the point that success or good fortune often requires some initial action or investment on one’s part in order to take advantage of opportunities. She uses the analogy of a lottery ticket – even if it ends up winning the jackpot prize, someone first had to purchase it for that chance to occur.

The quote implies that while luck plays a role, actively putting oneself in a position where luck can strike is also important. Nazarian appears to be suggesting that simply waiting passively is not enough – one needs to take some proactive step or risk, like buying a lottery ticket, for the potential of rewards to be realized down the line.

Her view seems to be that both luck and individual initiative usually need to converge for major gains or breakthroughs to materialize.

Vera Nazarian: Money is Like Fire

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 23, 2017

Vera Nazarian Money Quote saying that money as a metaphor could be a fire that to be properly put to use, must be controlled and contained. Vera Nazarian said:
Money is like fire. It is only good when there's just the right amount of it, when it's properly contained and under your control Quote

Money is like fire. It is only good when there’s just the right amount of it, when it’s properly contained and under your control” — Vera Nazarian


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In this quote, Vera Nazarian seems to be comparing money to fire and suggesting it needs to be carefully managed. Just as too much or too little fire is dangerous, she implies having either too much or too little money can also be problematic.

Nazarian appears to be saying that financial well-being requires maintaining the “right amount” of money, keeping it “properly contained” within a budget or savings plan, and exercising “control” over spending versus allowing wants or impulses to dictate monetary decisions.

The quote conveys Nazarian’s view that prudently handling money over both the short and long-term, similar to safely handling a fire, is important for it to have a positive benefit rather than potential harm. She sees money as a tool that must be skillfully wielded to be an asset rather than a liability.

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