Posts Tagged ‘valuable’

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Eli Whitney: Worthless Invention

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 8, 2019

Eli Whitney Money Quote saying after exhausting his resources defending the expired patent on his cotton gin invention, that it wasn’t worth it because the machine was too valuable. Eli Whitney said:
An invention can be so valuable as to be worthless to the inventor Quote

“An invention can be so valuable as to be worthless to the inventor” — Eli Whitney


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In this quote, Eli Whitney is making the point that an invention can sometimes be so groundbreaking or innovative that the inventor lacks the means or ability to fully realize its commercial potential themselves.

Whitney seems to be suggesting that an invention may be of immense worth and value to society or future businesses, but the original inventor may not be positioned to benefit financially from it to the degree others could.

The best interpretation is that Whitney is acknowledging how an invention’s true worth or usefulness may far exceed what the inventor alone can extract from it, since others are better equipped to mass produce and market the invention on a larger scale for widespread adoption.

Birthday: December 8, 1765 – January 8, 1825

Samuel Johnson: Getting Money Business

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 31, 2017

Samuel Johnson Money Quote saying earning is not our sole purpose in life – we must also seek and encourage kindness to humankind. Samuel Johnson said:

Getting money is not all a man's business - cultivate kindness Quote

“Getting money is not all a man’s business: to cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life” — Samuel Johnson

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In this quote, Samuel Johnson is suggesting that pursuing financial gain alone should not be a person’s sole focus or definition of success in life. While making a living and providing for oneself are important, Johnson argues that also “cultivat[ing] kindness” and prioritizing relationships and compassion for others are equally valuable “parts of the business of life.”

The quote implies Johnson believes a fulfilling life is about more than just amassing wealth – qualities like being caring, considerate and contributing to the well-being of one’s community are also crucial measures of how one spends their time on Earth. Overall, the interpretation is that Johnson viewed kindness and interpersonal connections as significant life pursuits alongside economic activities.

Birthday: September 18, 1709 – Death: December 13, 1784

Samuel Johnson on Business of Life

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Samuel Johnson Money Quotation saying we have more to do that grow and hoard money, we also need to tend to feelings. Samuel Johnson said:
Samuel Johnson Getting money is not all a man's business: to cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life quote

“Getting money is not all a man’s business: to cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life” — Samuel Johnson


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In this quote, Samuel Johnson is suggesting that pursuing financial gain alone should not be a person’s sole focus or definition of success in life. While making a living and providing for oneself are important, Johnson argues that also “cultivat[ing] kindness” and prioritizing relationships and compassion for others are equally valuable “parts of the business of life.”

The quote implies Johnson believed a fulfilling life is about more than just amassing wealth – qualities like being caring, considerate and contributing to the well-being of one’s community are also crucial measures of how one spends their time on Earth. Overall, the interpretation is that Johnson viewed kindness and interpersonal connections as significant life pursuits alongside economic activities.

Birthday: September 18, 1709 – Death: December 13, 1784

Greg McAdoo on Least Valuable Asset

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Greg McAdoo Money Quotation saying venture capital may be seen as highly valuable, but advice, connections and perspective matter more. Greg McAdoo said:
The least valuable thing that most investors bring to a company is money Quote

“The least valuable thing that most investors bring to a company is money” — Greg McAdoo


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In this quote, Greg McAdoo is arguing that when investors put money into a company, the financial capital itself is not necessarily the most important thing they provide. McAdoo suggests that other contributions from investors, such as expertise, industry knowledge, business skills, networking connections, mentorship and strategic guidance can often be much more valuable to a company’s success than just the money itself. The quote implies that while funding is necessary, what companies truly need from investors is the human, intellectual and social resources they can offer alongside their monetary investment.

Jerry Seinfeld on Personal Space & Pants

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 1, 2013

Funny Money Quotes: People require extra personal space near any valuables they carry in their pants. Jerry Seinfeld said:
ATMs and urinals–whenever someone’s taking something valuable out of their pants ... give them as much room as possible Quote

“ATMs and urinals–whenever someone’s taking something valuable out of their pants … give them as much room as possible” — Jerry Seinfeld


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In this humorous quote, Jerry Seinfeld is drawing a comparison between using an ATM machine and using a urinal in a public restroom.

He suggests that in both cases, when a person is accessing something valuable from their pants, others should give them as much space and privacy as possible.

Seinfeld’s joke implies that withdrawing cash from an ATM is akin to using the restroom, so people waiting should stand back and not crowd the person performing the private task.

The quote is meant to get a laugh by linking the act of taking money from one’s pants to the act of relieving oneself, while also making a point about etiquette and allowing others adequate room in confined public spaces.

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