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Hendrith Smith: Valuable Bank Data

Posted by admin on Friday, June 2, 2023

Meaning of Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr Money Quote: saying the asset most valuable to a bank is financial data. Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr said:

Data is one of the most valuable resources of a bank Quote

“Data is one of the most valuable resources of a bank” — Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr


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This quote from Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr suggests that customer data is a core asset for banks. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Smith implies that the detailed financial information banks collect on individuals, households and businesses through account activities and transactions has significant value.
  • He portrays data as a valuable “resource” banks can utilize, much like financial, physical or human resources provide benefits when leveraged effectively.
  • Customer data allows banks to better understand client needs and behaviors to develop personalized products, assess risks, prevent fraud and optimize services.
  • However, data must be handled securely and with consent to avoid privacy issues or distrust that could damage customer relationships over time.

Overall, the quote conveys Smith’s viewpoint that banks’ data repositories represent important corporate assets when appropriately governed and applied to meet evolving customer and business expectations. But the best interpretation also considers privacy and security are also priorities, as data usage remains an ongoing discussion where reasonable experts and regulators may disagree on optimal approaches balancing opportunities and protections.

John C. Maxwell: Time or Money

Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 3, 2021

John C. Maxwell Money Quote saying The value of time is higher than that of money, because time can’t be replaced. John C. Maxwell said:
Time is more valuable than money, because time is irreplaceableJohn C. Maxwell Quote

“Time is more valuable than money, because time is irreplaceableJohn C. Maxwell” — John C. Maxwell


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In this quote, John C. Maxwell is emphasizing that time is even more valuable than money. Like some of the other quotes discussed, he acknowledges that while money can be earned or replaced if lost, time is a limited and non-renewable resource.

Once our time has been spent, it is gone forever and cannot be gotten back. Therefore, Maxwell argues that time should be treated as an extremely precious commodity that is irreplaceable, unlike money.

The key message is that time is the most valuable currency we have because unlike other resources, it cannot be renewed once it has been used up.

Birthday: February 20, 1947

Steve Jobs: This Money Thing

Posted by admin on Saturday, July 10, 2021

Steve Jobs Money Quote saying it’s funny that the focus is placed on the money rather than the core of character. Steve Jobs said:
reaction to this money thing is that it's humorous, all the attention to it, because it's hardly the most insightful or valuable thing that's happened to me Quote

“You know, my main reaction to this money thing is that it’s humorous, all the attention to it, because it’s hardly the most insightful or valuable thing that’s happened to me” — Steve Jobs


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In this quote, Steve Jobs seems to be downplaying the significance of his immense wealth and financial success. Some key points:

  • He finds it “humorous” how much attention and focus is placed on his money and net worth by the public.
  • Jobs considers the money aspect of his career achievements as relatively unimportant and not particularly “insightful”.
  • More meaningful to him were likely the impact of his products and technological innovations in changing the world, not the financial rewards.
  • He implies that other experiences he had were more “valuable” on a personal level than simply accumulating vast riches.

Overall, the quote conveys Jobs’ perspective that while accumulating great wealth, it was far from the most important or meaningful part of his journey. The technological and experiential impacts seemed to define his legacy more than any monetary gains.

Birthday: February 24, 1955 – Death: October 5, 2011

Mark Carney: Intrinsically Valuable

Posted by admin on Friday, February 5, 2021

Mark Carney Money Quote saying If people feel their activity is valuable they can be convinced otherwise by an offer of cash. Mark Carney said:
When people are engaged in an activity that they see as intrinsically valuable, offering them money weakens  their motivation Quote

“When people are engaged in an activity that they see as intrinsically valuable, offering them money weakens their motivation” — Mark Carney


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In this quote, Mark Carney seems to be commenting on the concept of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation. By stating that offering money can “weaken their motivation” when people see an activity as “intrinsically valuable”, Carney implies that financial incentives may undermine motivation driven by internal rewards like personal fulfillment, interest or satisfaction from the work itself.

The quote conveys Carney’s perspective that activities undertaken for their own sake due to inherent enjoyment or purpose, rather than primarily for monetary gain, are driven by intrinsic motivation which can be diminished by introducing extrinsic rewards like pay. Overall, he appears to be arguing that paying for tasks people are already motivated to do due to internal rewards may paradoxically decrease their motivation over time.

Cory Doctorow: Most Valuable

Posted by admin on Friday, October 30, 2020

Cory Doctorow Money Quote saying that over 15 million of the most desirable users left Facebook, even though there was increased use by those remaining. Cory Doctorow said:
Facebook's most valuable users, worldwide, and this was the largest-ever exodus from Facebook. But all of those users simply shifted over the Instagram Quote

“In 2017, 15 million 13-34-year-old US Facebook users left the service. These are Facebook’s most valuable users, worldwide, and this was the largest-ever exodus from Facebook. But all of those users simply shifted over the Instagram” — Cory Doctorow


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Publilius Syrus: More Valuable

Posted by admin on Thursday, January 9, 2020

Publilius Syrus Money Quote saying the value of a good reputation is above and beyond cash. Publilius Syrus said:
A good reputation is more valuable than money Quote

“A good reputation is more valuable than money” — Publilius Syrus


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In this quote, Publilius Syrus seems to be conveying that having a good reputation or strong character is more important than material wealth alone. By stating that a good reputation is “more valuable than money”, Syrus implies that how one is regarded by others and the integrity demonstrated through one’s actions have greater worth than currency or possessions.

The quote conveys Syrus’ perspective that while money can provide comforts, respect from the community and positive influence on others is even more valuable as a measure of one’s life and impact.

Overall, Syrus appears to be arguing that how one is remembered through a virtuous reputation built over time is the truest success, above any amount of money that cannot outlive its holder or be passed on as a legacy in the same way that good character and influence can endure beyond one’s years.

Birthday: fl. 85 – Death: 43 BC

Hugh Reginald Haweis: Past Price

Posted by admin on Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Hugh Reginald Haweis Money Quote saying resolutions carry high value and success means enjoyment beyond the cost. Hugh Reginald Haweis said:
Precious beyond price are good resolutions. Valuable beyond price are good feelings Quote

“Precious beyond price are good resolutions. Valuable beyond price are good feelings” — Hugh Reginald Haweis


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Hugh Reginald Haweis is saying that good resolutions and good feelings are extremely valuable, even beyond having a monetary price or value assigned to them. He suggests that positive intentions and emotions are highly precious or worthwhile, too valuable to be measured merely in financial terms.

By describing them as “precious/valuable beyond price”, Haweis is emphasizing that qualities like resolve, compassion and kindness should not be seen as commodities that can be assigned a dollar amount, but rather as virtues that enrich our lives and relationships in less tangible yet profoundly meaningful ways.

His quote stresses the immense importance of cultivating goodwill, resolution and positivity.

Birthday: April 3, 1838 – Death: January 29, 1901

Taylor Swift: Rare & Valuable Music

Posted by admin on Friday, December 13, 2019

Taylor Swift Money Quote saying Music has value as art and should always compensate the artist. Taylor Swift said:
Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for Quote

“Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for” — Taylor Swift


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In this quote, Taylor Swift is making the argument that musicians and artists should be fairly compensated for their work. She begins by stating that music is a form of art, and art is both important and rare. Since art has value as an important and rare commodity, it is therefore valuable. And things that have value, according to Swift, should be paid for appropriately.

Overall, she appears to be advocating that artists deserve payment for their creative talents and outputs, since art takes skill and is a limited resource. The quote promotes the fair treatment and compensation of musicians in light of the importance and scarcity of the art they produce.

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