Posts Tagged ‘unemployment’

Margaret Thatcher: Robber Inflation

Posted by admin on Friday, November 18, 2022

Meaning of Margaret Thatcher Money Quote: saying Inflation steals from savings accounts and brings unemployment. Margaret Thatcher said:
Inflation is the parent of unemployment and the unseen robber of those who have saved Quote

“Inflation is the parent of unemployment and the unseen robber of those who have saved” — Margaret Thatcher


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Margaret Thatcher is suggesting that inflation can lead to unemployment and erode the purchasing power of savings. She refers to inflation as the “parent” of unemployment, meaning it often gives rise to job losses. When prices rise rapidly, it can cause economic uncertainty and reduce consumer spending, which in turn can force companies to cut costs by laying off workers.

She also calls inflation an “unseen robber” of savers, indicating that it stealthily diminishes the value of money that people have set aside in savings accounts or other stores of value over time as each unit of currency buys less and less.

So in summary, Thatcher is warning about the negative consequences of inflation both for employment levels and for those who have accumulated financial assets.

Birthday October 13, 1925 – Death: April 8, 2013

Jessica Walter: Actress Unemployed

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 25, 2021

Jessica Walter Money Quote saying she had no doubts about her acting career choice, but admitted low skills in managing business. Jessica Walter said:
periods of unemployment, I would think, 'Oh, I'm never going to work again' The only thing I don't like about it is the business part of it - the negotiating and all this stuff that you don't learn in school Quote

“I never had a doubt about wanting to be an actress, but certainly when there were periods of unemployment, I would think, ‘Oh, I’m never going to work again’ The only thing I don’t like about it is the business part of it – the negotiating and all this stuff that you don’t learn in school. I’m not good with business” — Jessica Walter


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Howard Zinn: Rich & Powerful Unpunished

Posted by admin on Friday, November 16, 2018

Howard Zinn Money Quote saying imprisonment for being poor and desperate is pointless and most rich criminals go without consequences that the poor must endure. Howard Zinn said:
[Prison] is a cruel and useless substitute for the elimination of poverty, unemployment, homelessness, desperation, racism, greed -- which are at the root of most punished crime. The crimes of the rich and powerful go mostly unpunished Quote

“[Prison] is a cruel and useless substitute for the elimination of those conditions — poverty, unemployment, homelessness, desperation, racism, greed — which are at the root of most punished crime. The crimes of the rich and powerful go mostly unpunished” — Howard Zinn


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In this quote, Howard Zinn criticizes the overreliance on prisons as a solution to crime without addressing its root causes. He argues that imprisonment is a “cruel and useless substitute” for actually tackling problems like poverty, joblessness, lack of housing, desperation and racism that often underlie unlawful behavior among the disadvantaged.

Zinn also points out a double standard, noting that while the crimes of ordinary citizens are harshly punished, the illicit acts of the wealthy and powerful tend to face less consequences. He seems to be implying that an equitable justice system should work to eliminate unjust social conditions driving criminal behavior, rather than just incarcerating offenders, and also apply punishment equally regardless of class.

Overall, the quote conveys Zinn’s view that relying primarily on prisons to deal with crime is misguided when the social inequities fueling law-breaking are left unaddressed, and that a fair system would work to remedy underlying injustices while also holding all classes accountable for unlawful behavior.

Birthday: August 24, 1922 – Death: January 27, 2010

Scott Santens: Perils of Unemployment

Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Scott Santens Money Quote saying we believe we’d never resort to unethical or even criminal behavior, but when pushed hard with financial pressures things get unexpectedly real and push us further than we wish to go. Scott Santens said:
How many lines do we say we'd never cross, when the time comes, to avoid the perils of unemployment Quote

“Consider just what we do in order to continue earning money to live. How many lines do we say we'd never cross, but end up crossing when the time comes, to avoid the perils of unemployment?” — Scott Santens


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Scott Santens is suggesting that many people will reluctantly compromise their principles or values in order to keep their job and avoid the negative consequences of unemployment, such as lack of income and inability to afford basic needs. He implies that when faced with the threat of losing employment, workers may feel compelled to behave in ways they would not otherwise, such as saying or doing things they previously claimed were unacceptable.

Santens seems to be criticizing how the insecurity of needing wages to survive can undermine personal integrity, as people feel pressured into crossing lines or boundaries they had drawn just to avoid the perils of unemployment. His quote highlights the way economic coercion within the job market can diminish individual freedom and force compromise of one’s principles.


Bill Maher: Unemployment Sky Didn’t Fall

Posted by admin on Monday, July 11, 2016

Bill Maher Money Quote saying Republicans expected calamity if liberal policies were implemented, but California proved them wrong on employment and deficits. Bill Maher said:
California sky didn’t fall, unemployment did, and growth shot up to over four percent, and a 26 billion dollar deficit became an 11 billion dollar surplus Quote

“[California] did all the stuff conservatives warned us would make things even worse but the sky didn’t fall, unemployment did, and growth shot up to over four percent, and a 26 billion dollar deficit became an 11 billion dollar surplus” — Bill Maher


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In this quote, Bill Maher is referring to conservative warnings about policies implemented in California, such as raising taxes and spending more on social programs. He notes that contrary to the predictions, good things happened as a result – unemployment decreased, economic growth increased significantly to over 4%, and the large budget deficit turned into a sizable surplus.

Maher seems to be arguing that California’s actions disproved conservative claims that such policies would ruin the economy and finances. His words suggest that California thrived despite doing what conservatives said would make the situation much worse.

Overall, Maher appears to be using California’s example to challenge conservative views on fiscal and economic policy issues.

David George on Haunting Unemployment

Posted by admin on Thursday, October 31, 2013

David Lloyd George Money Quotation haunting ghosts and goblins of cash frightening the poor and those at risk of losing their money. David Lloyd George said:
Four specters haunt the poor -- old age, accident, sickness and unemployment Quote

“Four specters haunt the poor — old age, accident, sickness and unemployment” — David Lloyd George


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This quote from David Lloyd George suggests that those living in poverty are precariously threatened by four looming dangers – old age which can limit earning potential, accidents which may cause injury, sickness which can lead to medical costs, and unemployment which eliminates income.

The quote implies that the poor live under the constant specter or shadow of these four circumstances which could derail their livelihood at any time through no real fault of their own.

Lloyd George appears to have been highlighting how those in poverty lack a social safety net and face a precarious existence at the mercy of events outside their control like aging, injuries, illness or losing their job.

The overall message is that vulnerability to these four conditions makes being poor a stressful state with few resources to fall back on during hardship.

Doug Pike on Dept. of Labor Unemployment

Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Doug Pike Money Quotation saying getting hired by unemployment is not something we aspire to unless looking for a chuckle at a bar. Doug Pike in Splattered on the Road to Wealth said:
I got hired by the Deparment of Unemployment after being fired by the Department of Labor Quote

“I got hired by the Department of Unemployment after being fired by the Department of Labor” — Doug Pike

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The humor in this quote comes from its absurdity and irony. Government departments generally don’t fire people, since they provide employment. And it’s nonsensical to be hired by the “Department of Unemployment” after being fired by another department, since that department deals with unemployment.

The joke plays with expectations by having someone get fired from their job at the “Department of Labor” – which is meant to promote employment – and then immediately find new work at the “Department of Unemployment,” which exists to help the unemployed.

This absurd scenario taps into people’s frustration with bureaucracy and taps into the fear of unemployment, making light of it through ironic exaggeration for comedic effect.

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