Posts Tagged ‘trickle-down’

Nick Hanauer: Trickle-Down Scam

Posted by admin on Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Nick Hanauer Money Quote saying trickle down is a scam perpetrated by the rich and taking advantage of the everyman. Nick Hanauer said:
 lower wages are good for the economy. here's the thing: trickle down is a scam that benefits rich guys like me while screwing everyone else. Don't buy it Quote

“Americans are right to be pissed. Trickle downers have screwed people over for decades by lowering taxes on the rich, deregulating banks and other powerful corporations, and by convincing people that lower wages are good for the economy. here’s the thing: trickle down is a scam that benefits rich guys like me while screwing everyone else. Don’t buy it” — Nick Hanauer


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In this quote, Nick Hanauer is strongly criticizing “trickle down” economic policies that aim to stimulate the economy by giving tax cuts and other benefits primarily to wealthy individuals and large corporations.

Specifically, Hanauer argues that for decades such approaches have had negative impacts by lowering taxes on the rich, deregulating banks and companies, and promoting the idea that reducing wages is good overall.

He contends that trickle down theory is essentially a “scam” that mainly advantages people like himself who are already very wealthy, while disadvantaging average Americans.

Hanauer also acknowledges the justified anger (“Americans are right to be pissed”) that such policies have generated among the public.

Overall, the best interpretation is that Hanauer vehemently believes trickle down economics is a flawed concept that is falsely marketed as helping the broader economy but is actually just another way to further concentrate wealth and power among the richest members of society to the detriment of others. He warns the public not to accept its claims at face value.

Warren Buffett: Trickle-Down Rest

Posted by admin on Friday, July 30, 2021

Warren Buffett Money Quote saying the wealthy want more money so that when they spend it, it will run downhill to the rest of us. Warren Buffett said:
The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we'll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down Quote

“The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we’ll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on” — Warren Buffett


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Warren Buffett is skeptical of trickle-down economics. This suggests that Warren Buffett does not believe tax cuts and other benefits for the wealthy necessarily help the broader economy or lower and middle classes, as proponents of trickle-down economics claim. He thinks the idea that money given to the rich will trickle down has not been borne out in recent decades.

Joe Biden: Trickle Down Economics

Posted by admin on Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Joe Biden Money Quote saying that history shows that ‘trickle-down’ economics fails those at the bottom. The middle class must do well first. Joe Biden said:
Trickle-down economics has never worked, but when working families do well — everybody does well. That’s what the economy we’re building is all about Quote

“Trickle-down economics has never worked, but when working families do well — everybody does well. That’s what the economy we’re building is all about” — Joe Biden


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Biden argues that trickle-down economics, also known as supply-side economics, has failed to deliver promised benefits to the middle and lower classes. The core idea of trickle-down economics is that tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals will cause them to invest and spend more, creating jobs and economic growth that benefits everyone.

However, Biden and other critics say there is little evidence this effect trickles down significantly. They argue the economy performs better when the middle class has more disposable income to spend, driving broader consumer demand and growth from the middle-out rather than the top-down.


Hillary Clinton: Trump Wants Trickle Down

Posted by admin on Monday, August 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton Money Quote saying Trump and economic advisors are attempting to revive the same monetary policy that failed Reagan. Hillary Clinton said:
Wall Street. He wants to eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which has saved billions of dollars for Americans. He wants to basically just repackage trickle down economics Quote

“[Trump] wants to roll back regulations on Wall Street. He wants to eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which has saved billions of dollars for Americans. He wants to basically just repackage trickle down economics” — Hillary Clinton


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In this quote, Hillary Clinton is criticizing Donald Trump’s policy positions on financial regulation and the economy.

She asserts that by rolling back Wall Street rules and eliminating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Trump wants to weaken oversight of the financial sector in a way that could harm consumers.

Clinton also argues this amounts to “repackaging” trickle-down economics, suggesting Trump’s agenda would largely follow the same theory of disproportionately benefiting the wealthy and corporations with tax cuts rather than average Americans.

Overall, the quote portrays Clinton’s view that Trump favors an economic approach focused on deregulation and tax policies that have failed to deliver widespread benefits for working people according to critics of trickle-down theory.

William Blum: Trickle Down = Give Rich More

Posted by admin on Thursday, April 28, 2016

William Blum Money Quote saying hunger is not resolved by waste from having too much, then sharing leftovers with those who are poor & starving. William Blum said:
The 'trickle-down' theory: the principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals Quote

“The ‘trickle-down’ theory: the principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals” — William Blum


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In this quote, William Blum is criticizing “trickle-down economics” in a succinct yet sarcastic way. The theory of trickle-down economics suggests that tax breaks and other financial benefits for the wealthy and large businesses will ultimately help the poor as more money flows down through job creation and economic growth.

However, Blum argues this notion is flawed – he portrays it as the equivalent of giving the rich even larger portions of wealth in the belief that a few “table scraps” will trickle down to sustain the poor. Blum’s point is that directly helping the wealthy does little to address poverty and inequality, and he mocks the idea that the poor can subsist on meager residual benefits dependent on the generosity of their “betters.”

The quote presents a dismissive perspective on the ability or willingness of wealth at the top to meaningfully benefit those at the bottom through its own accord.

Trickle Down Economics


Nick Hanauer: Intimidation Masquerading

Posted by admin on Friday, February 12, 2016

Nick Hanauer Money Quotation saying theories of trickling wealth are an attempt to distract and intimidate instead of solving. Nick Hanauer said:
Trickle-down economics, the idea that the richer the rich get, the better off everyone else will be is a scam. It’s a magic trick. It’s an intimidation tactic masquerading as an economic theory Quote

“Trickle-down economics, the idea that the richer the rich get, the better off everyone else will be is a scam. It’s a magic trick. It’s an intimidation tactic masquerading as an economic theory” — Nick Hanauer


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In this quote, Nick Hanauer is strongly criticizing the theory of “trickle-down economics”. He argues that the idea that making the rich even richer through tax cuts and other policies will somehow benefit everyone else is a “scam” and not grounded in real economic theory.

He calls it a “magic trick” meant to deceive people into thinking it’s valid, when in reality it does not work as promised.

Hanauer believes trickle-down economics is essentially an “intimidation tactic” used by proponents of such policies to push their agenda, rather than an actual sound economic theory backed by evidence and results.

Overall, he is dismissing trickle-down economics as invalid and more of a political tactic than a real solution to economic issues.

Elizabeth Warren: Trickle-down Politics

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Senator Elizabeth Warren Money Quotation saying trickle-down theory was intended to enrich the wealthy further and attack the middle-class via politics. Elizabeth Warren said:
Trickle-down was nothing more than the politics of helping the rich-and-powerful get richer and more powerful, and it cut the legs out from under America’s middle class Quote

“Trickle-down was nothing more than the politics of helping the rich-and-powerful get richer and more powerful, and it cut the legs out from under America’s middle class” — Elizabeth Warren


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is criticizing “trickle-down economics” policies that aim to stimulate the economy by giving tax breaks and other financial benefits primarily to large corporations and the wealthy. She argues that rather than helping the broader economy or middle class, such policies have mainly benefited the rich and powerful by making them richer and more powerful.

Warren asserts that trickle-down economics has significantly weakened the middle class in America by reducing support and opportunities for ordinary working families and individuals. The quote portrays Warren’s view that trickle-down was a failed approach that primarily served elite interests rather than strengthening the overall economy from the middle-out as its proponents claimed it would.


Elizabeth Warren: Get a Shot at Doing Great

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Elizabeth Warren Money Quote saying trickle-down economics was a political ploy to enrich big companies and already wealthy. Elizabeth Warren said:
The trickle-down experiment that began in the Reagan years failed America's middle class.  Sure, the rich are doing great.  Giant corporations are doing great.  Lobbyists are doing great.  But we need an economy where everyone else who works hard gets a shot at doing great! Quote

“The trickle-down experiment that began in the Reagan years failed America’s middle class. Sure, the rich are doing great. Giant corporations are doing great. Lobbyists are doing great. But we need an economy where everyone else who works hard gets a shot at doing great!” — Elizabeth Warren


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Elizabeth Warren is criticizing trickle-down economics, which is the theory that tax breaks and benefits for corporations and the wealthy will trickle down to benefit the broader economy and population.

Trickle-down economics suggests that tax breaks and other economic benefits for large corporations and the wealthy will benefit everyone as the benefits “trickle down” through the economy.

Warren argues that this approach has failed the American middle class. While the rich and large companies have done well, ordinary working Americans who work hard have not all had a fair chance to achieve economic success.

She is advocating for an alternative economic system where the rules are not stacked against average working people, and where hard work is more likely to lead to a good life and economic security for more Americans.

Trickle Down Economics

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