Posts Tagged ‘taxpayer’
Next Page »Thomas Sowell: Taxpayers’ Money
on Sunday, September 11, 2022Meaning of Thomas Sowell Money Quote: saying it’s very different to donate your own money or that of the taxpayer. Thomas Sowell said:
“Being willing to donate the taxpayers’ money is not the same as being willing to put your own money where your mouth is” — Thomas Sowell
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Thomas Sowell is drawing a distinction between supporting government welfare programs by paying taxes, versus personally donating one’s own money to help those in need.
His view seems to be that it is easier for people to endorse spending other taxpayers’ money on social causes through the government, rather than directly contributing their own private funds.
The quote suggests that truly having conviction in assisting others financially requires personally contributing one’s own resources, not just agreeing to have the state redistribute tax revenue collected from citizens.
Overall, Sowell appears to be criticizing those who advocate for welfare programs but do not directly donate much of their own money to comparable causes.
Birthday: June 30, 1930
Franklin Pierce: Taxpayer Revenue
on Saturday, November 23, 2019Franklin Pierce Money Quote saying taxpayers are charged more than the government needs to fund existing projects, so revenue increases. Franklin Pierce said:
“The revenue of the country, levied almost insensibly to the taxpayer, goes on from year to year, increasing beyond either the interests or the prospective wants of the Government” — Franklin Pierce
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The quote you provided, from Franklin Pierce, suggests that taxpayers are charged more than the government needs to fund existing projects, resulting in an increase in revenue beyond what is necessary for the government’s needs.
This implies that the government may be over-taxing its citizens, which could be seen as a significant issue in the context of taxation and government spending.
Birthday: November 23, 1804 – Death: October 8, 1869
Barack Obama: Subsidize Taxpayer Dollars
on Sunday, September 9, 2018Barack Obama Money Quote saying Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations with tax cuts and deregulating lenders who prey on vulnerable borrowers. Barack Obama said:
“They’re subsidizing corporate polluters with taxpayer dollars, allowing dishonest lenders to take advantage of veterans and students and consumers again” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama appears to be criticizing certain policies of the opposing political party. Some key points:
- He refers to “subsidizing corporate polluters with taxpayer dollars”, likely meaning industries that receive government funds despite contributing to environmental damage.
- Obama also mentions “allowing dishonest lenders to take advantage of veterans and students and consumers again”. This suggests a view that predatory lending practices were not being adequately checked.
- His reference to “again” implies Obama felt reforms had been rolled back that had previously curbed exploitative behavior targeting vulnerable groups.
Overall, Obama seems to be arguing that certain political decisions inappropriately use public money in ways that negatively impact taxpayers, such as by supporting industries that pollute or failing to enforce protections against predatory financial schemes targeting groups like military veterans and students. The quote portrays Obama’s perspective that such policies misallocate resources and enable harming certain communities.
John Pudner: Constitutional Amendment
on Sunday, April 23, 2017John Pudner Money Quote saying he supports an amendment to the U.S. Constitution which would prevent big, anonymous political contributions to prevent money being considered speech and protect the taxpayer. John Pudner said:
“To date, 18 of our United States have asked Congress for a Constitutional amendment that would allow limits on political spending where appropriate and let us take our government back from those who give big transaction money – in other words, trading millions in contributions for billions of your taxpayer dollars” — John Pudner
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This quote from John Pudner is referring to campaign finance reform and the influence of money in politics. It suggests that large political donations from wealthy donors and corporations have essentially “bought” influence over certain politicians and policies to the detriment of taxpayers. By “trading millions in contributions for billions of taxpayer dollars”, it means that donors get favorable legislation or contracts worth far more public money than they originally contributed.
Pudner advocates for amending the US Constitution to allow reasonable limits on political spending, which he believes could help reduce this donor influence. By doing so, it may help “take our government back” for ordinary citizens rather than large financial backers. The quote expresses concern that big money in politics has disproportionate power and that campaign finance reform could help even the playing field and make elected officials more accountable to all voters rather than just their largest funders.
Elizabeth Warren: Foreclosing on Families
on Wednesday, November 30, 2016Elizabeth Warren Money Quote saying that Steven Mnuchin is a bank fox guarding the banker henhouse he raided and got richer with. Elizabeth Warren said:
“[Mnuchin] spent two decades at Goldman Sachs helping the bank peddle the same kind of mortgage products that blew up the economy and sucked down billions in taxpayer bailout money, before he moved on to run a bank that was famous for aggressively foreclosing on families” — Elizabeth Warren
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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is strongly criticizing Steven Mnuchin’s nomination as Treasury Secretary. Some key points:
- She says Mnuchin’s selection should “send shivers down the spine” of Americans hurt by the financial crisis, as he worked for a bank involved in foreclosures.
- Warren argues this shows Trump has no plans to “drain the swamp” and reform Washington as he claimed, but rather wants to “run Washington to benefit himself and his rich buddies.”
- By appointing Mnuchin, who profited from the crisis, she feels Trump is not representing average Americans but wealthy elites.
- Overall, the quote paints Mnuchin as the wrong choice and a sign that Trump plans to look out for the rich, not fix corruption as he promised, in Warren’s view.
Patricia Arquette: Wage Equality
on Monday, February 23, 2015Patricia Arquette Money Quotation saying it’s time for wage equality during her acceptance speech for best actress in a supporting role for ‘Boyhood’. Patricia Arquette said:
“To every woman who gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else’s equal rights, It is our time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women in the United States of America!” — Patricia Arquette
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Patricia Arquette seems to be advocating for equal pay and rights for women in America. Specifically, she references how women have historically advocated for equal rights and opportunities for other marginalized groups (“We have fought for everybody else’s equal rights”).
She then calls for wage equality between men and women (“wage equality once and for all”) as well as equal legal rights and protections for women under U.S. law (“equal rights for women in the United States of America”).
Overall, the quote suggests Arquette believes women deserve the same treatment, respect and compensation as men, and that the time has come to finally achieve full gender parity when it comes to wages and civil liberties in the country.
Elizabeth Warren: Taxpayer Funded Bailouts
on Tuesday, December 16, 2014Elizabeth Warren Money Quotation warning of omnibus spending bill language that allows derivatives trading by banks and requires government bailouts to cover losses. Elizabeth Warren said:
“This legal change could trigger more taxpayer (funded) bailouts and could ultimately threaten our entire economy – but it will also make a lot of money for Wall Street banks” — Elizabeth Warren
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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is criticizing a proposed legal change that she believes could increase risks to the financial system and economy. She argues that it could lead to more bank bailouts that are ultimately paid for by taxpayers. At the same time, Warren notes that while the change may threaten stability, it would profit the large Wall Street banks.
The quote conveys Warren’s view that the policy in question unfairly benefits the interests of big banks over those of average taxpayers and the economy. She implies the banks are prioritizing short-term financial gains over potential long-term systemic risks that may require further public funds to address if another crisis occurs.
Elizabeth Warren on Bank Bailouts
on Tuesday, November 11, 2014Elizabeth Warren Money Quotation saying Americans can’t believe that banks complain about tough laws while earning billions. Elizabeth Warren said:
“Americans … are appalled by Wall Street banks that got taxpayer bailouts and now whine that the laws are too tough, even as they rake in billions in profits” — Elizabeth Warren
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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is criticizing large Wall Street banks that received government bailouts during the financial crisis but now complain that regulations on their industry are too strict.
She argues that it is unfair and hypocritical for these banks to accept taxpayer money to rescue them but then lobby against rules meant to prevent future crises, especially since they have returned to making huge profits.
Warren’s message is that the banks should be grateful for the bailouts and not push back so strongly against laws intended to reform their practices and protect taxpayers and the economy.
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