Posts Tagged ‘tax return’

Conan O’Brien: Bush Tax Return

Posted by admin on Saturday, November 21, 2020

Conan O’Brien Money Quote saying former president Bush attempted to claim Iraq as a dependent on his tax return. Conan O’Brien said:
President Bush's tax return. Not surprisingly, under dependents, the president listed Iraq Quote

“Earlier today, the White House released President Bush’s tax return. Not surprisingly, under dependents, the president listed Iraq” — Conan O’Brien


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In this quote, Conan O’Brien seems to be making a political joke at the expense of President Bush. By suggesting Bush listed “Iraq” as a dependent on his tax return, O’Brien implies the country had become a financial burden on the U.S. due to the ongoing war and occupation.

The tone suggests O’Brien was satirizing Bush through absurdist, comedic hyperbole by personifying Iraq as a dependent child. Overall, the quote portrays O’Brien humorously criticizing the fiscal and human costs he associated with Bush’s foreign policy in the Middle East through a tongue-in-cheek tax-related quip.

Dave Barry: IRS Agents Regular Destroyers

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dave Barry Money Quotation saying IRS agents seem to have free access to our bank accounts with threat of interest and penalties – frightening prospects on par with identity theft. Dave Barry said:
folks at the IRS are regular people just like you, except that they can destroy your life Quote

“And to you taxpayers out there, let me say this: Make sure you file your tax return on time! And remember that, even though income taxes can be a ‘pain in the neck,’ the folks at the IRS are regular people just like you, except that they can destroy your life” — Dave Barry


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This quote from humorist Dave Barry is making light of the seriousness of taxes and the power of the IRS in a tongue-in-cheek way. Specifically:

  • He tells taxpayers to file their returns on time to avoid any penalties or issues with the IRS.
  • While taxes can feel burdensome (“a pain in the neck”), he reminds people that IRS agents are just regular people doing their jobs.
  • However, he then jokingly notes that despite being regular folks, IRS agents have the authority (“can destroy your life”) if a taxpayer fails to properly comply with tax laws and pay what they owe.

Overall, the quote is using humor and exaggeration to acknowledge taxpayers’ frustrations with taxes but also to remind them not to take the IRS lightly, as noncompliance can have serious consequences despite the people working there just being normal individuals. It’s meant to get a laugh while still communicating an important message about tax responsibilities.

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