Posts Tagged ‘Rupert Murdoch’

Rupert Murdoch: $5 Billion Wreck

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rupert Murdoch Money Quote saying about the purchase of the Wall Street Journal in 2007 that intentions were not to destroy the company. Rupert Murdoch said:
Why would I spend $5 billion for something in order to wreck it? Quote

“Why would I spend $5 billion for something in order to wreck it?” — Rupert Murdoch


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In this quote, Rupert Murdoch is likely referring to criticisms that arose when his company acquired major assets like The Wall Street Journal and 21st Century Fox. His rhetorical question is suggesting that the notion he would spend billions of dollars to acquire something only to deliberately sabotage or damage it makes no logical sense.

The quote implies his goal in making large purchases and investments is to build up and strengthen the businesses, not intentionally run them into the ground. Murdoch seems to be defending against accusations that his intentions are to wreck or undermine valuable companies and properties that he spends heavily to obtain.

Rupert Murdoch: Good Economists

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rupert Murdoch Money Quote saying those who study economy and finance are less useful than weather forecasters. Rupert Murdoch said:
I'm not an economist and we all know economists were created to make weather forecasters look good Quote

“I’m not an economist and we all know economists were created to make weather forecasters look good” — Rupert Murdoch


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In this quote, Rupert Murdoch is making a joke at economists’ expense. He’s suggesting that economists, unlike weather forecasters, are often wrong in their predictions. Murdoch implies that economists don’t have a very good track record of accurately forecasting economic trends and outcomes.

His comment seems to be lightheartedly pointing out that economists are not always right and can be fallible in their analyses and projections, just like any other field of study. Overall, the quote appears to be tongue-in-cheek commentary on the imperfect nature and limitations of economics as a predictive science.

Rupert Murdoch: Motivating Force

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rupert Murdoch Money Quote saying that it is more rewarding to operate a business than having the wealth it generates. Rupert Murdoch said:

In this quote, Rupert Murdoch is saying that making money alone is not his primary motivation for being in business. While having money is nice, he does not place a high value on wealth or a lavish lifestyle. Rather than the money itself, what Murdoch really enjoys is the act of running and operating his business enterprises. The quote suggests his true passion lies in building and managing his companies, more so than accumulating personal riches or material possessions.

Money is not the motivating force. It's nice to have money, but I don't live high. What I enjoy is running the business Quote

“Money is not the motivating force. It’s nice to have money, but I don’t live high. What I enjoy is running the business” — Rupert Murdoch


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Birthday March 11, 1931


Rupert Murdoch: Hundred Million

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rupert Murdoch Money Quote saying corporate brand image can be more important than the money spent to acquire that image. Rupert Murdoch said:
Our reputation is more important than the last hundred million dollars Quote

“Our reputation is more important than the last hundred million dollars” — Rupert Murdoch


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In this quote, Rupert Murdoch is suggesting that maintaining a good reputation is more important to him than pursuing short-term profits or maximizing revenue. He seems to be saying that the reputation and integrity of his businesses are valuable assets that take precedence over gaining an additional $100 million.

The quote implies Murdoch is willing to forgo some potential earnings if it means protecting the long-term reputation and standing of his companies. Overall, it conveys that reputation is a higher priority for him than maximizing every last dollar, even if it means leaving money on the table.

Birthday March 11, 1931

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