Posts Tagged ‘rihanna’

Rihanna: Dollars, Numbers – Art

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Rihanna Money Quote saying people imagine her as a path to enriching themselves, when she recognizes her reflection as only art. Rihanna said:
Sometimes a person looks at me and sees dollars. They see numbers and they see a product. I look at me and see art Quote

“Sometimes a person looks at me and sees dollars. They see numbers and they see a product. I look at me and see art” — Rihanna


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In this quote, Rihanna is contrasting how others perceive her versus how she sees herself. Some key points in interpreting her perspective:

  • She suggests that some observers view her primarily as a money-making commodity or “product” to profit from.
  • Rihanna implies they reduce her to monetary value (“dollars”) or metrics of commercial success (“numbers”).
  • However, she portrays her own identity as that of an artist, seeing creative self-expression rather than financial worth as her true essence.
  • The quote conveys Rihanna’s stance that artistic integrity and vision matter most to her, beyond superficial assessments of wealth or popularity.

Overall, while reflecting how others may objectify her at times, the quote emphasizes Rihanna’s self-identification first and foremost as an artist dedicated to her craft. A balanced interpretation acknowledges both her viewpoint as well as the ongoing debates around commerce and creativity as related yet also distinct aspects of celebrity identity.

Birthday February 20


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