Posts Tagged ‘resources’

Sam Bankman-Fried: Crypto Mental

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Meaning of Sam Bankman-Fried Money Quote: saying money and finance are abundant and crypto-currency is included. Sam Bankman-Fried said:
limited resources. Money is not. Business opportunities are not. And the crypto industry is not Quote

“I have an abundance mentality. I think most things in this world are not limited resources. Money is not. Business opportunities are not. And the crypto industry is not” — Sam Bankman-Fried


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In this quote, Sam Bankman-Fried seems to be expressing an optimistic view that resources and opportunities for growth are abundant rather than scarce. Some key points:

  • He describes having an “abundance mentality” rather than one of limitation or zero-sum thinking.
  • Bankman-Fried believes “most things” like money, business prospects, and the crypto industry specifically are “not limited resources” with finite potential.
  • This implies he saw ample room for expanding financial inclusion through innovative products, felt opportunities were plentiful rather than competitive, and viewed crypto as primed for much further development and adoption.
  • The quote conveys a mindset of possibility, expansion and win-win cooperation rather than of constraints, trade-offs or the need to compete directly over constrained pools of capital or customers.

Overall, Bankman-Fried appears to have approached FTX’s growth in a spirit of abundance rather than scarcity, which may have influenced a lax approach to risk management and oversight if downsides were not properly accounted for given this perspective.

Milton Friedman: Scarcity in Plenty

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 5, 2020

Milton Friedman Money Quote saying the biggest problem is lack when there is excess and people are idle when they need work. Milton Friedman said:
My major problem with the world is a problem of scarcity in the midst of plenty ... of people starving while there are unused resources ... people having skills which are not being used Quote

“My major problem with the world is a problem of scarcity in the midst of plenty … of people starving while there are unused resources … people having skills which are not being used” — Milton Friedman


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Milton Friedman is expressing frustration with the paradox of scarcity existing alongside plenty or surplus. While there are unused resources and skills going underutilized, some people still experience scarcity through starvation or lack of opportunities.

Friedman sees this as an unnecessary problem, since in theory the available but unused resources and skills could help address the scarcity felt by others.

His point is that scarcity for some persists even when there are ample means and abilities available in society to help alleviate it, if those resources and skills were better distributed or coordinated.

Friedman views the mismatch between surplus and scarcity as an issue that reflects flaws in how the world economy and opportunities are organized.

Birthday: July 31, 1912 Death: November 16, 2006

Martin Luther King, Capitalism Flow

Posted by admin on Monday, January 20, 2020

Martin Luther King, Jr. Money Quote saying the capitalist system is designed to be biased toward the wealthy and not the poor – so we’ll need to work to change that bias. Martin Luther King, Jr. said:
Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level. That's the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we are going to have to change the system Quote

Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level. That’s the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we are going to have to change the system” — Martin Luther King, Jr.


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In this quote, Martin Luther King Jr. is critiquing capitalism and the free market system. He argues that under capitalism, economic resources and wealth do not naturally spread evenly throughout society.

Instead, it concentrates wealth in the hands of a small privileged group who become extremely rich, while the vast majority are left in some form of poverty. King asserts this is an inherent feature of how the capitalist system functions, as it does not aim to distribute resources equally but rather rewards those who accumulate wealth.

His view is that since the system is unlikely to change its rules to correct this imbalance, the only option is for people to work towards changing the system itself in order to create a more just and equitable distribution of economic resources across all of society.

Birthday: January 15, 1929 – Death: April 4, 1968

Milton Friedman: Scarcity in Midst of Plenty

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 16, 2018

Milton Friedman Money Quote saying he could not abide by the conflicting existence of poverty when there is wealth everywhere surrounding us. Milton Friedman said:
problem of scarcity in the midst of plenty ... of people starving while there are unused resources  Quote

“My major problem with the world is a problem of scarcity in the midst of plenty … of people starving while there are unused resources … people having skills which are not being used” — Milton Friedman


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Milton Friedman is expressing frustration with scarcity and lack of access to resources in a world where abundance exists.

He notes the paradox of people starving even though there are unused resources and skills that could help address food shortages if put to use. Friedman seems to be criticizing an inefficient allocation and distribution of the world’s resources, where wealth and necessities are not being shared equitably.

His quote suggests that with better coordination and cooperation, global problems like hunger could potentially be solved or mitigated by making use of readily available assets and skills that currently go underutilized.

Overall, Friedman is highlighting the disconnect between widespread plenty on the one hand, and localized scarcity causing real hardship on the other, due to failures of coordination and access rather than any absolute lack of means.

Birthday: July 31, 1912 Death: November 16, 2006

Joe Biden: Degrading Hat-in-Hand Begging

Posted by admin on Sunday, November 1, 2015

Joe Biden Money Quotation saying in 1974 that campaign finance is degrading for politicians who must constantly ask wealthy for more contributions. Joe Biden said:
It is the most degrading thing in the world to go out with your hat in your hand and beg for money, but that’s what you have to do if you haven’t got your own resources Quote

“It is the most degrading thing in the world to go out with your hat in your hand and beg for money, but that’s what you have to do if you haven’t got your own resources” — Joe Biden


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Joe Biden seems to be expressing the view that asking others for financial help can be humiliating and demeaning if one does not have independent means of support. His point appears to be that relying on the charity of others when in need is difficult for one’s pride and self-sufficiency.

However, receiving help from social programs or community members in hard times may prevent greater harms like homelessness or hunger.

Overall, the quote conveys Biden’s belief that it is best to have one’s “own resources” like a job, savings or assets as a buffer against having to beg while in poverty or crisis through no fault of one’s own. Most would agree a compassionate society helps the vulnerable without stigma.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Asteroid Trillionaire

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 13, 2015

Neil deGrasse Tyson Money Quotation saying the first person to gain access to resources on asteroids will become even more wealthy. Neil deGrasse Tyson said:
Neil deGrasse Tyson The first trillionaire there will ever be is the person who exploits the natural resources on asteroids quote

“The first trillionaire there will ever be is the person who exploits the natural resources on asteroids” — Neil deGrasse Tyson


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In this quote, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is predicting that the first trillionaire (person with a net worth over $1 trillion) will be an individual or corporation that successfully mines asteroids for valuable minerals and other resources.

His view seems to be that asteroids contain vast stores of precious metals and other commodities that could be extracted and sold for enormous profits if the technical challenges of asteroid mining are overcome.

Tyson implies that whoever pioneers this emerging industry and claims the bountiful resources of asteroids will reap financial rewards on an unprecedented scale, potentially accumulating over $1 trillion in wealth to become history’s richest person. The quote underscores Tyson’s belief that asteroids represent a future economic opportunity of truly astronomical proportions for bold pioneers in space industry and technology.

Peter Drucker: Innovation Creates Wealth

Posted by admin on Thursday, January 5, 2012

Peter Drucker Money Quotation saying to innovate is to create that special ability to actually manufacture money out of valuable ideas and new products. Peter Drucker said:
Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth Quote

“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth” — Peter Drucker


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In this quote, Peter Drucker is defining innovation as being closely linked to entrepreneurship. He describes innovation as “the specific instrument of entrepreneurship”, meaning it is the key tool or mechanism that entrepreneurs use. Drucker then goes on to explain that innovation is “the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth”.

In other words, innovation allows resources (such as capital, materials, labor etc.) to be used in new ways that generate economic value and profits. So in summary, Drucker is saying innovation is how entrepreneurs transform resources and business opportunities into wealth creation through new approaches, ideas or technologies.

Birthday: November 19, 1909 – Death: November 11, 2005

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