Posts Tagged ‘purchase’
Next Page »Dave Ramsey: Debt Normal
on Monday, July 17, 2023Meaning of Dave Ramsey Money Quote: saying people believe that it is entirely routine to be indebted rather than paying cash to purchase without credit. Dave Ramsey said:
“The fact is, most people in our nation today believe that debt is NORMAL, and in most cases, NECESSARY. They can’t imagine living a cash-and-carry life or a life in which all things they own are purchased outright with cash at the time of purchase — in other words, with no payment plan or use of credit cards” — Dave Ramsey
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The best interpretation of this Dave Ramsey quote is that he believes most people in modern society have come to view being in debt as the standard way of life and even see it as required to obtain things they need or want. By stating debt is seen as “normal” and “necessary,” Ramsey suggests the culture has shifted to where taking on debt is considered the default choice rather than an exception.
He implies that few people can envision managing their finances by only spending what they have in savings at the time of purchase without using credit plans or cards. Ramsey appears to be criticizing this prevailing mindset and promoting the alternative philosophy of only purchasing items with cash up front rather than financing purchases through debt obligations over time.
Ayn Rand: Purchase Happiness
on Sunday, January 15, 2023Meaning of Ayn Rand Money Quote: saying you must know what you want when seeking to buy happiness. Ayn Rand said:
“Money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants” — Ayn Rand
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In this quote, Ayn Rand is asserting that merely having money alone is not enough to guarantee happiness. One must have clear goals, values and desires – a “concept of what he wants” – in order to find purpose and fulfillment in life.
Without knowing what is truly important to oneself, one could accumulate wealth but still feel unfulfilled or lack direction. Rand is suggesting that to gain happiness, one needs both financial means as well as an understanding of oneself and one’s priorities or vision for how to live well.
Simply possessing money without an inner sense of one’s wants and values will not lead to true happiness according to Rand’s view.
Birthday: February 2, 1905 – Death: March 6, 1982
Ovid: Gold Will Purchase Love
on Monday, February 7, 2022Ovid Money Quote saying gold will get respect and may even buy love for some. Ovid said:
“Gold will buy the highest honours; and gold will purchase love” — Ovid
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Ovid is suggesting that wealth or “gold” can be used to attain status and honors in society. It can also be used to attract romantic love or affection from others, perhaps by lavishing gifts or spending money on someone.
However, the love or honors obtained this way may not be sincere or lasting, since they are purchased rather than freely given. Overall, Ovid seems to be making a cynical comment about how money and wealth can be used to manipulate social standing and relationships.
Birthday: March 20, 43 BC – Death: 17 AD
Adam Smith: Labor Wealth
on Saturday, January 9, 2021Adam Smith Money Quote saying It was work that bought the world, not money or precious metals, but labor that bought the wealth of the world. Adam Smith said:
“Labour was the first price, the original purchase – money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labour, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased” — Adam Smith
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In this quote, Adam Smith is discussing the origins and fundamental role of labor in the creation of wealth. He states that “labor was the first price, the original purchase-money” used to obtain all things of value in the world.
Smith is arguing that throughout history, it was not gold, silver or other currencies that were primarily used to acquire wealth, but rather human labor itself. People exchanged their labor and work as the original “payment” to produce useful goods, services and assets.
In essence, the quote establishes labor as the original and most basic form of payment that drove early economic transactions and allowed for the accumulation of wealth over time. Smith sees labor as the primary commodity exchanged by humans to fulfill their needs and desires, long before money was established. It reflects his view that labor is the ultimate source of all value in an economy.
Birthday: c. 16 June – Death: July 17, 1790
Arthur Schopenhauer: Buying Books
on Saturday, June 27, 2020Arthur Schopenhauer Money Quote saying that books don’t come with the time it takes to read them but it isn’t likely so we pretend. Arthur Schopenhauer said:
“Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them; but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents” — Arthur Schopenhauer
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In this quote, Arthur Schopenhauer seems to be commenting on the tendency to accumulate books as a sign of intellect or learning, without actually taking the time to read and absorb their contents.
By stating that buying books would be good “if one could also buy the time to read them”, but that typically “the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents”, Schopenhauer implies that amassing a large library does not equate to true knowledge if one does not dedicate the hours required to meaningfully engage with each text.
The quote conveys Schopenhauer’s perspective that collecting books superficially through purchase is not equivalent to gaining their insights, as reading takes significant investment of one’s time and focus to gain full understanding and edification from written works.
Overall, Schopenhauer appears to be arguing that possession of written materials does not necessarily correlate to erudition, which only deep reading of texts can provide.
Birthday: February 22, 1788 – Death: September 21, 1860
Charles Dickens: Purchase Civility
on Monday, February 3, 2020Charles Dickens Money Quote saying that being civil to those without money is rare because they can’t purchase it. Charles Dickens said:
“The civility which money will purchase, is rarely extended to those who have none” — Charles Dickens
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In this quote, Charles Dickens is commenting on how those without money or wealth are often denied politeness, respect and courtesy extended to people who can afford to pay.
The best interpretation is that Dickens believed there is a level of decorum and niceness that money alone can seemingly procure, but that the impoverished rarely experience the same civility or consideration. He saw a lack of basic human kindness shown towards those who have no money to their name.
The overall message is one of social criticism – that Dickens viewed true compassion and good manners as things everyone deserves, not commodities reserved only for those who can purchase superficial politeness through their purchasing power.
Birthday: February 7, 1812 – Death: June 9, 1870
Thomas Jefferson: Buy American
on Friday, January 3, 2020Thomas Jefferson Money Quote saying that he was a very early proponent of ‘Buy American’ with a resolution to avoid foreign purchases. Thomas Jefferson said:
“I have come to a resolution myself as I hope every good citizen will, never again to purchase any article of foreign manufacture which can be had of American make, be the difference of price what it may” — Thomas Jefferson
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In this quote, Thomas Jefferson is advocating for buying American-made products over foreign imports, even if the American products are more expensive. He states that he has decided as a “good citizen” to never again purchase any foreign-made item that has an equivalent American-made option available.
Jefferson is essentially promoting a form of economic nationalism and protectionism by encouraging consumers to prioritize buying domestic goods to support American industries and jobs. His view is that this is an important civic duty, regardless of any potential price difference compared to imported alternatives.
The quote reflects Jefferson’s belief that citizens should be willing to pay a higher price, or absorb a “difference of price”, for American goods in order to strengthen the national economy and self-sufficiency by keeping manufacturing and trade dollars within the domestic market. He sees buying American as a patriotic act of good citizenship.
Birthday: April 13, 1743 – Death: July 4, 1826
Daryl Hannah: Power to Purchase
on Tuesday, December 3, 2019Daryl Hannah Money Quote saying that how we spend our money determines which corporations continue to wield power in the marketplace. Daryl Hannah said:
“Obviously we’re a consumer nation and you have the power to influence these big corporations who are running the world right now through what you chose to, or not to, purchase” — Daryl Hannah
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In this quote, Daryl Hannah is emphasizing the power that consumers have to influence corporate behavior and priorities. She notes that the United States is a major consumer economy, meaning businesses depend on sales to customers.
Hannah then argues that individuals have the ability to impact the decisions of large multinational companies by choosing whether or not to buy their products. If enough consumers opt not to purchase goods from companies that are pursuing environmentally damaging or unethical practices, for example, it could motivate those businesses to change their policies for the sake of preserving profits.
So according to Hannah, conscious consumption is a way for citizens to indirectly shape the actions of powerful corporations that dominate the global economy.