Posts Tagged ‘publilius syrus’

Publilius Syrus: Money Sate Avarice

Posted by admin on Friday, February 4, 2022

Publilius Syrus Money Quote saying that having cash doesn’t satisfy, but increases the desire for more. Publilius Syrus said:
Money does not sate avarice, but stimulates it Quote

“Money does not sate avarice, but stimulates it” — Publilius Syrus


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In this quote, Publilius Syrus is making an observation about human greed and the pursuit of wealth. The best interpretation is:

  • Syrus states that acquiring money does not satisfy or fulfill greed, but rather encourages and fuels it further.
  • He implies that for those with an insatiable appetite for riches, gaining wealth does not quench their avarice but instead stimulates and intensifies their craving for more.
  • Syrus appears to believe greed is not a quality that can be satisfied once a certain level of riches is reached, but rather grows alongside or in proportion to one’s accumulated resources.

Overall, the quote conveys Syrus’ perspective that amassing money does not dampen avarice but paradoxically serves to rouse and provoke increasing greed, such that financial goals and ambitions continue to escalate rather than being quenched according to his view of human psychology around wealth accumulation.

Birthday: fl. 85 – Death: 43 BC

Publilius Syrus: Money in Motion

Posted by admin on Sunday, October 11, 2020

Publilius Syrus Money Quote saying money is the only thing that gets people and things to move and act. Publilius Syrus said:
Money alone sets all the world in motion Quote

Money alone sets all the world in motion” — Publilius Syrus


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In this quote, Publilius Syrus seems to be conveying the significant role that money plays as a facilitator of economic and social activity. By stating that “Money alone sets all the world in motion”, Syrus implies that the use of currency as a medium of exchange is what fuels transactions, production, innovation and interconnectedness across societies.

The quote portrays Syrus’ perspective that financial resources are effectively the lifeblood powering global commerce as well as enabling individual opportunities and livelihoods.

Overall, he appears to be acknowledging money’s central function as a universal means for acquiring goods and services, and thus its importance in driving interactions and progress within and between all communities worldwide.

Birthday: fl. 85 – Death: 43 BC

Publilius Syrus: Purchaser Worth

Posted by admin on Friday, July 3, 2020

Publilius Syrus Money Quote saying stuff is worth what a buyer says it is worth. Publilius Syrus said:
Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it Quote

“Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it” — Publilius Syrus


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In this quote, Publilius Syrus seems to be conveying that an item’s value is determined by what someone is willing to exchange for it, rather than any intrinsic worth. By stating “Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it”, Syrus implies that an object only has as much value as what a buyer judges it to be worth based on how much they are prepared to offer in return.

The quote portrays Syrus’ perspective that true value is subjective and transactional, established through a mutual agreement between buyer and seller rather than an inherent property.

Overall, Syrus appears to be arguing that the price paid defines an item’s worth in economic terms, as value is in the eye of the beholder based on their assessment rather than an absolute quality. The quote acknowledges that worth emerges from demand rather than being fixed.

Birthday: fl. 85 – Death: 43 BC

Publilius Syrus: More Valuable

Posted by admin on Thursday, January 9, 2020

Publilius Syrus Money Quote saying the value of a good reputation is above and beyond cash. Publilius Syrus said:
A good reputation is more valuable than money Quote

“A good reputation is more valuable than money” — Publilius Syrus


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In this quote, Publilius Syrus seems to be conveying that having a good reputation or strong character is more important than material wealth alone. By stating that a good reputation is “more valuable than money”, Syrus implies that how one is regarded by others and the integrity demonstrated through one’s actions have greater worth than currency or possessions.

The quote conveys Syrus’ perspective that while money can provide comforts, respect from the community and positive influence on others is even more valuable as a measure of one’s life and impact.

Overall, Syrus appears to be arguing that how one is remembered through a virtuous reputation built over time is the truest success, above any amount of money that cannot outlive its holder or be passed on as a legacy in the same way that good character and influence can endure beyond one’s years.

Birthday: fl. 85 – Death: 43 BC

Publilius Syrus: Debt is Slavery of Free

Posted by admin on Sunday, November 26, 2017

Publilius Syrus Money Quote saying we are free to get in over our heads and those who do can become slaves to debt, even though freedom is theirs. Publilius Syrus said:
Debt is the slavery of the free Quote

“Debt is the slavery of the free” — Publilius Syrus


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This quote from Publilius Syrus suggests that taking on debt can compromise one’s freedom or independence. Being deeply in debt means owing large sums of money to others, which may force one to continue working primarily to pay off debts rather than having the flexibility to freely choose how to spend their time or money.

Excessive debt could essentially make a person a “slave” to their creditors, needing to dedicate most of their resources towards repayment until the debt is cleared. The quote serves as a warning about the potential loss of autonomy and flexibility that can come with being heavily burdened by financial obligations to others.

Birthday: fl. 85 – Death: 43 BC

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