Posts Tagged ‘poverty’

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Daniel Defoe: Poverty Worst Snare

Posted by admin on Monday, November 15, 2021

Daniel Defoe Money Quote saying coveting wealth is worst evil, and being poor is the worst trap to those who fall into it. Daniel Defoe said:
As covetousness is the root of all evil, so poverty is the worst of all snares Quote

“As covetousness is the root of all evil, so poverty is the worst of all snares” — Daniel Defoe


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This quote from Daniel Defoe is saying that greed or covetousness (a strong desire for wealth, possessions, power, etc.) is the root cause of all evil. At the same time, Defoe is saying that being poor is one of the worst traps that people can fall into.

The interpretation is that both greed and poverty can negatively impact people’s lives – greed by motivating harmful actions, and poverty by limiting opportunities and making it harder to escape difficult circumstances. Overall, the quote is warning about the dangers of both excessive greed/desire as well as the hardships of living in poverty.

Birthday: c. 1660 – Death: April 24, 1731

Michael Medved: Wealth Poverty

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Michael Medved Money Quote saying the idea that poverty must increase as wealth increases is a fallacy that hurts the image of believers. Michael Medved said:
when the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, then you believe that creating wealth causes poverty, and you're an idiot Quote

“If you believe that when the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, then you believe that creating wealth causes poverty, and you’re an idiot” — Michael Medved


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In this quote, Michael Medved seems to be criticizing the perspective that growing wealth inequality necessarily means the poor are becoming worse off. Specifically:

  • Medved argues that believing greater riches for some automatically equates to more poverty for others implies a view that “creating wealth causes poverty.”
  • He appears to believe this is a flawed and illogical position, suggesting it only makes sense if one believes wealth is a fixed quantity rather than something that can continually be generated through economic activity and trade.
  • Medved states outright that subscribing to such a zero-sum view of wealth makes “you an idiot,” implying the person lacks a nuanced understanding of economics.

The best interpretation is that Medved is challenging the simplistic notion that any enrichment of the wealthy inevitably comes at the direct expense of the poor. From his perspective, the expansion of total wealth in an economy does not necessarily correlate with rising deprivation if that increased prosperity is broadly shared. However, his comment is also needlessly antagonistic in its delivery.

Joe E. Lewis: Won’t Buy Poverty

Posted by admin on Monday, September 6, 2021

Joe E. Lewis Money Quote saying Money cannot buy it’s opposite. But that is the only thing which it can’t buy. Joe E. Lewis said:
There's only one thing money won't buy, and that is poverty Quote

“There’s only one thing money won’t buy, and that is poverty” — Joe E. Lewis


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In this quote, Joe E. Lewis seems to be making the point that no amount of money alone can purchase someone out of a state of poverty. While wealth can provide access to goods, services, opportunities and a certain quality of life, it cannot undo the life experiences, hardships or lack of resources that come with growing up or living in poverty for a period of time.

Merely acquiring money at some later point does not erase the impacts poverty may have already had on one’s health, education, relationships or outlook. Lewis appears to be acknowledging that poverty is more than just a financial condition – it encompasses social, psychological and other non-monetary effects that accumulating wealth by itself cannot reverse or buy someone out of in a simple transactional sense.

Birthday: January 12, 1902 – Death: June 4, 1971

Jerry Garcia: Doing Quite Well

Posted by admin on Sunday, August 1, 2021

Jerry Garcia Money Quote saying people focus on the majority of mentally ill that live poor – when the smaller portion must be doing OK. Jerry Garcia said:
77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty. Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves Quote

“I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty. Actually, I’m more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves” — Jerry Garcia


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This quote by Jerry Garcia suggests that while many who struggle with mental illness unfortunately live in difficult financial circumstances, it’s interesting to consider the minority who have found success despite challenges with their mental health.

The best interpretation is that mental illness does not define one’s potential or limit one’s ability to thrive. Though the road is tougher for some, with the right support and determination to manage their condition, even those dealing with mental illness can lead fulfilling, prosperous lives.

The quote serves as a reminder not to make assumptions and that overcoming adversity often requires resilience and refusing to be defined by circumstances outside one’s control.

Birthday: August 1, 1942 – Death: August 9, 1995

J. K. Rowling: Poverty Depression

Posted by admin on Saturday, July 31, 2021

J. K. Rowling Money Quote saying poverty beats down with thousands of humiliating hardships, while some imagine it is noble. J. K. Rowling said:
Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself but poverty itself is romanticized by fools Quote

Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It meets a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself but poverty itself is romanticized by fools” — J. K. Rowling


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In this quote, J.K. Rowling seems to be strongly challenging the notion that poverty can be romanticized or seen as some kind of noble struggle. Specifically:

  • Rowling acknowledges that overcoming poverty through one’s own efforts is an achievement worthy of pride and respect.
  • However, she argues that poverty itself should not be romanticized and entails very real “fear and stress and sometimes depression.”
  • Rowling also notes that poverty involves “a thousand petty humiliations and hardships” that are difficult to endure.

The best interpretation is that Rowling believes portraying poverty as some kind of bohemian ideal ignores the daily psychological tolls and indignities that living in poverty imposes on people according to her perspective gained from experiencing financial hardship herself. While self-sufficiency is admirable, Rowling argues the condition of poverty should not be romanticized or seen as enviable by those who have not truly experienced its challenges from within.

Marquis De Sade: Boots Not Books

Posted by admin on Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Marquis De Sade Money Quote saying avoid making a living by writing or expect poverty and the writing will be watered down – choose other work. Marquis De Sade said:
you should not think of writing as a way of earning your living. If you do, your work will smell of your poverty. It will be colored by your weakness and be as thin as your hunger Quote

“And above all, you should not think of writing as a way of earning your living. If you do, your work will smell of your poverty. It will be colored by your weakness and be as thin as your hunger. There are other trades which you can take up: make boots, not books” — Marquis De Sade


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In this quote, controversial philosopher Marquis De Sade is advising against pursuing writing as a career solely out of financial necessity. He suggests that if one’s primary motivation is earning money through writing, then the quality and integrity of the work will suffer as a result.

De Sade implies the writing will reflect the “poverty” and “weakness” of the author if done mainly for profit, rather than passion.

Overall, the quote encourages aspiring writers to avoid seeing it as just another “trade” like bootmaking, and to instead write freely without the constraint of having to please audiences or patrons for income. De Sade advocates writing as a calling rather than simply as a way to make a living.

Birthday: June 2, 1740 – Death: December 2, 1814

Michael Tubbs: Lack of Cash

Posted by admin on Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Michael Tubbs Money Quote saying the cause of poverty is a shortage of cash, not dysfunctional people. Michael Tubbs said:
At the root of poverty is lack of cash. It's lack of capital, and that some of the dysfunction that we see associated with poverty are the effect and not the cause Quote

“At the root of poverty is lack of cash. It’s lack of capital, and that some of the dysfunction that we see associated with poverty are the effect and not the cause. So, yes, folks should learn how to manage money. But folks need money to manage first” — Michael Tubbs


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In this quote, former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs is addressing the root causes of poverty. He suggests that at its core, poverty stems from a lack of money and access to capital, not other factors often blamed. Tubbs implies that without first obtaining funds, people cannot properly learn financial management skills. His view is that money problems are usually an effect, not cause, of impoverished conditions imposed by lack of wealth.

Overall, the quote portrays Tubbs advocating for direct cash assistance to empower individuals with means first, before expecting self-sufficiency through budgeting alone. He seems to argue poverty solutions must tackle its fundamental economic realities, not just its perceived social consequences.

Robert Reich: Poverty-Level Wages

Posted by admin on Sunday, April 11, 2021

Robert Reich Money Quote saying those working full time jobs at minimum wage are costing the government in subsidies for those same families, so employers should contribute or pay more to workers. Robert Reich said:
Poverty-level wages cost U.S. taxpayers $152.8 billion a year in public support for working families. So it's only logical to raise taxes on big companies that give their workers poverty-level wages, to pay for this subsidy Quote

Poverty-level wages cost U.S. taxpayers $152.8 billion a year in public support for working families. So it’s only logical to raise taxes on big companies that give their workers poverty-level wages, to pay for this subsidy” — Robert Reich


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In this quote, Robert Reich is making the argument that large companies which pay their workers very low, poverty-level wages are effectively being subsidized by taxpayers.

He notes that it costs the US public an estimated $152.8 billion annually to provide support like food stamps, Medicaid and tax credits to working families who still live in poverty despite being employed.

Reich proposes that rather than taxpayers footing this bill, companies should be taxed more if they are paying wages so low that their workers still require public assistance.

By raising taxes on these large firms, it could help offset the costs that taxpayers incur to support these working poor.

Overall, Reich is advocating for higher taxes on big businesses as a way to recoup some of the public subsidies that go to prop up the low wages paid by profitable corporations.

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