Posts Tagged ‘possess’

Dada Vaswani: Enthusiasm Assets

Posted by admin on Monday, June 14, 2021

Dada Vaswani Money Quote saying money, power and influence are not as great an asset as straight enthusiasm. Dada Vaswani said:
Enthusiasm is the greatest asset you can possess, for it can take you further than money, power or influence Quote

“Enthusiasm is the greatest asset you can possess, for it can take you further than money, power or influence” — Dada Vaswani


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In this quote, Indian spiritual leader Dada Vaswani is emphasizing the transformative power of passion and excitement for one’s work or cause. He suggests that having strong enthusiasm can help a person achieve more than what could be gained solely through financial resources, social status or connections.

Vaswani implies that enthusiasm acts as a motivational fuel enabling people to overcome obstacles and make significant impacts through perseverance and creativity.

Overall, the quote conveys that approaching life and one’s purpose with great zeal and excitement is a form of wealth in itself, which can in many cases surpass what money, authority or fame alone afford.

Birthday: August 2, 1918 – Death: July 12, 2018

Muhammad Ali: Able to Give Away Riches

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 4, 2016

Muhammad Ali Money Quote saying if we are capable of giving away our wealth, then we’ll be able to be wealthy. Muhammad Ali said:
To be able to give away riches to possess them & be truly rich Quote

“To be able to give away riches is mandatory if you wish to possess them. This is the only way that you will be truly rich” — Muhammad Ali


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In this insightful quote, Muhammad Ali seems to be suggesting that true wealth involves more than just accumulating riches or material possessions. By stating it is “mandatory” to be able to “give away riches” if one wishes to “possess them” and “be truly rich”, Ali appears to be arguing that sustaining affluence over the long run requires the willingness and ability to generously share one’s resources with others through acts of philanthropy.

The quote implies that hoarding wealth solely for oneself is not a path to real, enduring prosperity – rather, being able to enrich the lives of others through charitable giving and aid is what truly fulfills the full potential of one’s resources and accomplishments.

Overall, Ali conveys the perspective that measuring prosperity solely by what one claims rather than what one contributes ultimately leaves one still impoverished of spirit, no matter the size of their portfolio. True riches seem to mean opening oneself and one’s means to the service of humanity for Ali.

Birthday: January 17, 1942 – Death: June 3, 2016



Henry Ward Beecher on Good Nature

Posted by admin on Thursday, February 6, 2014

Henry Ward Beecher Money Quotation saying that being agreeable and friendly could buy more favor than a vault of cash. Henry Ward Beecher said:
Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, more than honor, to the persons who possess it Quote

Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, more than honor, to the persons who possess it — Henry Ward Beecher


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In this quote, Henry Ward Beecher is asserting that having a good nature or disposition is more valuable than other desirable qualities like knowledge, money or honor. By describing good nature as “worth more”, he seems to mean it provides greater benefits or importance to one’s life and relationships.

Beecher appears to be arguing that traits like kindness, optimism and being pleasant to be around have more impact on well-being and interpersonal connections than more tangible assets.

The quote suggests possessing an inherently good-natured character is of higher quality than other achievements, since it positively influences how one experiences life and interacts with others on a daily basis. In essence, Beecher is prioritizing virtues of temperament and personality over more external or socially-recognized attributes.

Birthday: June 24, 1813 – Death: March 8, 1887

Francis Bacon: Covetous Man & Wealth

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 8, 2010

Francis Bacon Money Quotation tells us that those who covet money are possessed by it rather than possessing real wealth.
The covetous man cannot so properly be said to possess wealth, as that may be said to possess him Quote

“The covetous man cannot so properly be said to possess wealth, as that may be said to possess him” — Francis Bacon


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In this quote, Francis Bacon is saying that a covetous or greedy person is not truly in possession of their wealth – rather, their wealth and desire for more money possesses or controls them.

Bacon appears to be arguing that someone who is excessively or unhealthily focused on accumulating riches allows their wealth to dominate their thoughts and actions, rather than maintaining control over their own finances and priorities.

The best interpretation is that Bacon is criticizing those whose lives revolve around amassing money and material goods, as in this state the wealth has power over the individual rather than the other way around.

He suggests true possession of wealth involves using it wisely rather than being possessed by endless cravings for more.

Birthday January 22, 1561 – April 9, 1626

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