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Frances Harper: Slipping Pockets

Posted by admin on Sunday, April 3, 2022

Frances Harper Money Quote saying those who don’t feel mercy or care about justice can tell when it’s costing them money. Frances Harper said:
oblivious to the demands of justice, can feel when money is slipping from their pockets Quote

“Men who are deaf to the claims of mercy, and oblivious to the demands of justice, can feel when money is slipping from their pockets” — Frances Harper


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In this quote, Frances Harper seems to be criticizing those who are insensitive to moral issues like showing mercy or upholding justice, but are highly attentive when their own financial interests are at stake.

By saying they “can feel when money is slipping from their pockets”, Harper implies that while some men do not care about compassion or fairness, they are acutely aware of any threats to their wealth. The quote suggests Harper believed that for those who lack principles, money alone serves as a true motivator.

Overall, she appears to be commenting that some prioritize profits over people, and only demonstrate concern when their own economic well-being is in question rather than social or ethical matters.

Birthday: November 17, 1886 – Death: November 17, 1972

Charles Lamb: Blindly Worshipped

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 10, 2022

Charles Lamb Money Quote saying money to worship and abuse when it could offer strength and health carried in pockets. Charles Lamb said:
O money, money, how blindly worshipped, and how stupidly abused! may rattle his pockets Quote

“O money, money, how blindly thou hast been worshipped, and how stupidly abused! Thou are health and liberty and strength, and he that has thee may rattle his pockets at the foul fiend! ” — Charles Lamb


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In this quote, Charles Lamb is commenting on society’s attitude towards money. The best interpretation is:

  • Lamb notes how foolishly and blindly money has been revered, suggesting its worth is often overestimated and pursued mindlessly.
  • He also says money is frequently misused in stupid or unwise ways, rather than being handled responsibly.
  • However, Lamb acknowledges money’s importance, saying it represents health, liberty, strength and independence.
  • He implies those with financial means can metaphorically shake their pockets in defiance of evil forces (“the foul fiend”), since money provides protection and freedom from certain vulnerabilities and hardships.

Overall, Lamb appears to be acknowledging both the downsides of an obsessive fixation on money as well as its very real benefits. Money is a tool that should not be idolized yet can confer important advantages if properly obtained and managed according to Lamb.

Birthday: February 10, 1775 – Death: December 27, 1834

Robert Reich: Wall Street Pockets

Posted by admin on Thursday, January 28, 2021

Robert Reich Money Quote saying After Game stop stock Manipulation, Reich says it shows what the stock market is about. Robert Reich said:
Robert Reich Wall Street and stock market are metaphors for a society rotting from self-indulgence, greed, widening inequality, and financial entrepreneurship that builds nothing, improves nothing, creates nothing, and solves nothing, but merely moves money from one set of pockets to another quote

Wall Street and stock market are metaphors for a society rotting from self-indulgence, greed, widening inequality, and financial entrepreneurship that builds nothing, improves nothing, creates nothing, and solves nothing, but merely moves money from one set of pockets to another” — Robert Reich


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In this quote, Robert Reich is harshly criticizing Wall Street and the stock market. He views them as metaphors or representations of a society declining due to self-indulgence, greed, growing inequality, and a type of financial system that does not actually produce anything of value.

Reich argues that Wall Street and the stock market primarily function to move money between different parties, without building, improving, creating or solving any real economic or social problems.

He seems to believe they enrich those involved not through meaningful productivity, but by transactions and speculation that fail to generate true wealth or benefits for society.

Overall, Reich presents Wall Street and the stock market as emblematic of a culture that prioritizes selfishness, greed and inequality over shared prosperity and progress.


Kamala Harris: Money in Pockets

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kamala Harris Money Quote saying tax policy should address the needs and values of citizens rather than to the wealthy and corporations. Kamala Harris said:
We should put money back into the pockets of American families to address rising costs of childcare, housing, tuition, and other expenses, our tax code should reflect our values and instead of more tax breaks for the top 1 % and corporations Quote

“We should put money back into the pockets of American families to address rising costs of childcare, housing, tuition, and other expenses, our tax code should reflect our values and instead of more tax breaks for the top 1% and corporations, we should be lifting up millions of American families” — Kamala Harris


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In this quote, Kamala Harris is advocating for tax policies that support American working families rather than favoring the wealthy. She argues the tax code should reflect societal values like helping families afford crucial costs like childcare, housing, and education.

Harris implies current tax breaks disproportionately benefit the top 1% and corporations, and instead taxes could be used to directly aid millions of families by putting “money back into their pockets” through tax relief and benefits.

Her view is that lifting up ordinary citizens should be a higher priority through the tax system than further enriching those who need it least. Overall, Harris is pushing for an equitable tax framework that addresses the financial challenges facing average families through targeted relief rather than additional benefits for the highest earners.

Elijah Cummings: Trump’s Pockets

Posted by admin on Thursday, October 17, 2019

Elijah Cummings Money Quote saying as chair of the oversight & reform committee that Trump has violated the emoluments clause of the U.S. constitution. Elijah Cummings said:
All you have to do is follow the money and if you follow the money, it leads right back to Donald Trump's pockets Quote

“All you have to do is follow the money and if you follow the money, it leads right back to Donald Trump’s pockets” — Elijah Cummings


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Elijah Cummings suggested that if one traces where money related to President Trump’s business dealings leads, it will end up directly benefiting Trump financially.

Cummings implied that Trump has not fully separated his financial interests from his duties as President, and that his decisions could be influenced by impacts on his personal wealth.

By saying to “follow the money” back to Trump’s “pockets,” Cummings was arguing that the Emoluments Clause required the President to completely divest from his business activities and assets to avoid any conflicts of interest between his role as President and private financial gains.

Birthday: January 18, 1951 – Death: October 17, 2019

Dr. Carol Paris: Money Gushes & Leaks

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dr. Carol Paris Money Quote saying as president of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) advocates for non-profit health care system to remove the profit motive and waste. Dr. Carol Paris said:
Carol Paris Like a cracked pipe, money gushes into our health care system but steadily leaks out. Money is siphoned into the advertising budgets of insurance companies and the army of corporate bureaucrats working to deny claims. Even more dollars are soaked up by the pockets of insurance CEOs quote

“Like a cracked pipe, money gushes into our health care system but steadily leaks out. Money is siphoned into the advertising budgets of insurance companies and the army of corporate bureaucrats working to deny claims. Even more dollars are soaked up by the pockets of insurance CEOs” — Carol Paris


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In this quote, Carol Paris seems to be criticizing inefficiencies and waste in the U.S. healthcare system. By comparing money flowing into healthcare to a “cracked pipe” that steadily leaks out, Paris portrays how much funding fails to actually benefit patients.

She suggests money is diverted toward insurance company advertising, bureaucrats who deny claims, and high CEO salaries rather than direct care. Overall, Paris appears to be arguing that excessive administrative costs, profits, and other non-clinical expenditures drain significant resources from the system before they can be used to improve health outcomes.

The quote casts the current model in a negative light and implies reforms are needed to maximize the share of healthcare dollars spent on medical services.

Lyndon Johnson: Pick White Mans Pocket

Posted by admin on Monday, April 17, 2017

President Lyndon B. Johnson Money Quote saying the working poor (like those who voted for Trump) will gladly empty their own pockets for hateful reasons. President Lyndon B. Johnson said:
Convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you Quote

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you” — Lyndon B. Johnson


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In this quote, Lyndon B. Johnson is commenting on how racial divisions and prejudices can be exploited for political gain.

When he says convincing low-income white people that they are superior to “the best colored man” distracts them from realizing their own economic exploitation, Johnson suggests racial tensions are sometimes deliberately stoked to obscure class inequalities.

He implies that giving racist white voters a group to feel superior to makes them compliant with emptying their pockets, i.e. voting against their own economic self-interest.

The quote conveys Johnson’s perspective that racial divisions unfortunately provide cover for elites to manipulate disadvantaged groups of all backgrounds using wedge issues rather than addressing real issues of wealth concentration and inequality across races.

Birthday: August 27, 1908 – Death: January 22, 1973

Norman Vincent Peale: Empty Pockets

Posted by admin on Friday, February 17, 2017

Norman Vincent Peale Money Quote saying that not having money is nowhere near as devastating as being devoid of ideas or of passionate feelings. Norman Vincent Peale said:
Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that Quote

“Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that” — Norman Vincent Peale


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In this quote, Norman Vincent Peale is suggesting that a lack of money or material wealth is not the primary factor that can hold people back from achieving success or fulfillment in life.

When he states that “empty pockets never held anyone back”, Peale means that having limited financial means on its own does not determine one’s potential or opportunities.

However, he qualifies that “empty heads and empty hearts” referring to a lack of intelligence or compassion, can significantly hinder people.

Peale appears to believe that while poverty presents difficulties, inner qualities like one’s mindset, determination, skills and caring for others are much more influential in shaping outcomes than any dollar amount alone.

The quote conveys Peale’s perspective that inner wealth of the mind and spirit matters far more than outer wealth in money.

Birthday: May 31, 1898 – Death: December 24, 1993

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