Posts Tagged ‘plunder’

Barack Obama: Corruption Plunders Away

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 8, 2018

Barack Obama Money Quote saying corrupt politicians suggest they’ll clean up the mess and help the little guy, but then raid the coffers and give away the spoils to the wealthy. Barack Obama said:
 Demagogues promise simple fixes to complex problems. They promise to fight for the little guy even as they cater to the wealthiest and the most powerful. They promise to clean up corruption and then plunder away Quote

“Demagogues promise simple fixes to complex problems. They promise to fight for the little guy even as they cater to the wealthiest and the most powerful. They promise to clean up corruption and then plunder away” — Barack Obama


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In this quote, Barack Obama seems to be warning about certain types of politicians, without directly naming any specific individuals. Some key points:

  • He refers to “demagogues”, meaning political leaders who make inflammatory appeals to emotions rather than reason.
  • Obama notes they promise simplistic solutions to complex issues, even though real problems often have multifaceted causes requiring nuanced responses.
  • He suggests they claim to fight for average citizens but actually primarily serve the interests of the very wealthy and powerful special interests.
  • Obama also argues they campaign on anti-corruption platforms but then engage in corruption and self-dealing once in office.

Overall, the quote portrays Obama’s perspective that some political figures employ populist, emotionally charged rhetoric to gain support but do not genuinely represent ordinary people’s priorities once achieving power. Instead, they cater to elites and violate their own purported ethics. Obama appears to be warning voters to scrutinize such “demagogues” who oversimplify issues and may not follow through sincerely on their pledges.

Joseph Heller: Plunder into Philanthropy

Posted by admin on Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Joseph Heller Money Quote saying we can make others believe almost anything is opposite of reality by having a lack of character. Joseph Heller said:
It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character Quote

“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character” — Joseph Heller


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In this insightful quote, author Joseph Heller seems to be commenting on how easily certain negative behaviors or traits can be rhetorically reframed and rebranded through clever manipulation of language and propaganda.

He notes it takes little real effort or intelligence to portray “vice as virtue”, turn “slander into truth”, characterize “impotence as abstinence” and so on. Heller suggests one can pass off “plunder as philanthropy”, classify “thievery as honor” and describe “brutality as patriotism” through selective framing alone.

The key interpretation is that Heller believes it requires no substantial “character” or integrity to spin wrongdoings in a positive light through deceptive semantics. He appears to be criticizing how vices can masquerade as virtues through clever but empty rhetoric that cloaks the true nature and motivations behind actions according to his perspective expressed in this insightful quote.

Birthday: May 1, 1923 – Death: December 12, 1999

Henry Miller: Plunder Superabundant Loot

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 30, 2017

Henry Miller Money Quote saying people should be put to a righteous death for insinuating all Americans are free because we recklessly destroy the planet to gain obscene wealth. Henry Miller said:
Free Peoples is Blasphemous. We offer superabundant loot, recklessly plunder under delusion of progress and enlightenment Quote

“To call this a society of free peoples is blasphemous. What have we to offer the world besides the superabundant loot which we recklessly plunder from the earth under the maniacal delusion that this insane activity represents progress and enlightenment?” — Henry Miller


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In this quote, Henry Miller appears to be sharply criticizing the notion that American society at the time represented a truly “free” people.

He suggests the relentless plundering of natural resources for monetary gain, under the guise of progress, was in fact an “insane activity” driven by delusional thinking.

Miller seems to believe this prioritization of reckless exploitation and accumulation of wealth offered little of value to the wider world.

The best interpretation is that Miller viewed such an obsessive focus on profit and consumerism as antithetical to genuine freedom, and felt it undermined any moral authority to promote American ideals and way of life globally.

Birthday: December 26, 1891 – Death: June 7, 1980

Samuel Bellamy: Villains for Employment

Posted by admin on Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Black Sam Bellamy Money Quote saying pirates steal from the wealthy who have stolen from the poor and most seek paychecks from them as employers. (Black) Samuel Bellamy said:
rob the poor under cover of law, plunder the rich, villains for employment Quote

“They vilify us, the scoundrels do, when there is only this difference, they rob the poor under the cover of law, forsooth, and we plunder the rich under the protection of our own courage. Had you not better make then one of us, than sneak after these villains for employment?” — Samuel Bellamy


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In this quote, Samuel Bellamy is defending piracy as a more honorable profession than legally sanctioned theft of common people. By stating that the “scoundrels” rob the poor under laws while pirates “plunder the rich” through courage, Bellamy argues piracy targets the wealthy instead of the vulnerable.

He implies taking from the rich is more justified, and encourages the listener to join piracy rather than act as an enforcer for a corrupt system. The overall interpretation is that Bellamy viewed piracy as a more equitable form of taking wealth by might than legally sanctioned exploitation of the poor by the powerful.

His perspective conveys piracy as a more dignified path than serving an unjust system that uses laws to enrich the affluent through the subjugation of ordinary citizens.

Birthday: c. 23 February 1689 – Death: 26 April 1717

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