Posts Tagged ‘peace’

Morihei Ueshiba on Practicing Peace

Posted by admin on Thursday, January 9, 2014

Morihei Ueshiba Money Quotation saying what matters most to some parts of society matter not in the least to keeping peace. Morihei Ueshiba said:
One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace Quote

“One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace” — Morihei Ueshiba


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In this quote, Morihei Ueshiba is expressing that the practice and study of peace can be done by anyone, regardless of their material circumstances or social status. He argues that “buildings, money, power, or status” are not necessary prerequisites to cultivate peace in one’s self and teachings.

The quote suggests that inner peace and nonviolence are qualities that can be developed through dedication and practice alone, without requiring wealth, resources, or positions of influence. It promotes the idea that creating peace is accessible to all.

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