Posts Tagged ‘passion’

Mason Cooley on Passionate Cash

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mason Cooley Money Quotation saying the drive for wealth is not half-hearted or random natured, but fully committed. Mason Cooley said:
The passion for money is never fickle Quote

“The passion for money is never fickle” – Mason Cooley


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This quote suggests that the desire for wealth and financial gain tends to be a consistent motivation for many people. While people’s interests may change over time, the quote implies that making and accumulating money usually remains an important priority.

Some key aspects are that the passion or strong interest in money is portrayed as unwavering rather than fleeting or inconstant. The quote attributes this observation to American aphorist and philosopher Mason Cooley.

Birthday: 1927 – Death: July 25, 2002

Thomas Jefferson on Gain of Commerce

Posted by admin on Friday, March 8, 2013

Thomas Jefferson Money Quotation saying there are no higher goals or purpose for business beyond financial growth and suggests it add goals for humanity. Thomas Jefferson said:
The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain Quote

“The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain” — Thomas Jefferson


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This quote suggests that Thomas Jefferson believed commerce and business tend to be guided primarily by self-interest and the pursuit of profit, rather than other loyalties or values. He appears to be saying that commercial enterprises are motivated mainly by the goal of financial gain above all else, with no real allegiance to any particular country or other principles.

Jefferson seems to have viewed the “selfish spirit of commerce” as prioritizing earnings and returns over nationality, ethics or other considerations. The quote conveys Jefferson’s perspective that economic or trade interests are largely driven by seeking monetary rewards with few other attachments or influences.

Birthday: April 13, 1743 – Death: July 4, 1826

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