Posts Tagged ‘Norman brown’

Norman O. Brown: Money Essence

Posted by admin on Monday, August 15, 2022

Meaning of Norman O. Brown Money Quote: saying The thing that makes money valuable is the fact that it is worthless. Norman O. Brown said:
the essence of money is in its absolute worthlessness Quote

“In its famous paradox, the equation of money and excrement, psychoanalysis becomes the first science to state what common sense and the poets have long known – that the essence of money is in its absolute worthlessness” — Norman O. Brown


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In this quote, Norman O. Brown seems to be drawing a comparison between money and excrement based on a psychoanalytic perspective. Some key points:

  • Brown references the “famous paradox” in psychoanalysis that equates money with feces or excrement.
  • This comparison stems from the idea that both money and excrement are essentially worthless in their base physical forms.
  • However, Brown notes that psychoanalysis was the first science to articulate what had long been recognized by “common sense and the poets” – that money’s true essence lies in its complete worthlessness intrinsically.
  • Its value comes not from any inherent quality or use but solely from socially constructed perceptions and the agreements to imbue it with purchasing power.

Overall, the quote conveys Brown’s view that psychoanalysis helped elucidate in a scientific manner what had always been understood intuitively – that money at its core has no real worth or utility outside of the meanings projected onto it through human social and economic systems. Its value is symbolic rather than rooted in tangible properties according to this perspective.

Birthday: September 25, 1913 – Death: October 2, 2002

Norman O. Brown: Demonic Money

Posted by admin on Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Norman O. Brown Money Quote saying the financial system is insane and evil … and comparable to religion. Norman O. Brown said:
The money complex is the demonic, and the demonic is God's ape; the money complex is therefore the heir to and attempt to find God in things Quote

“The money complex is the demonic, and the demonic is God’s ape; the money complex is therefore the heir to and substitute for the religious complex, an attempt to find God in things” — Norman O. Brown


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In this quote, Norman O. Brown seems to be characterizing the “money complex” or obsession with wealth as taking on quasi-religious dimensions for some people. Some key points:

  • He refers to the money complex as “demonic” – implying it can become an all-consuming, controlling force like an evil spirit.
  • Brown states the demonic is “God’s ape” – suggesting it mimics or substitutes for true spirituality while distorting its purpose.
  • He portrays the money complex as effectively becoming a “substitute for the religious complex” for those who seek meaning, community or fulfillment through wealth.
  • Brown’s quote conveys the view that an extreme fixation on money can become a new idolatry or false religion for those who try to find divine significance or salvation “in things” like riches rather than more virtuous pursuits.

Overall, Brown appears to be critiquing how an obsession with wealth accumulation may take on quasi-religious overtones for some, distorting spiritual instincts into an unhealthy quest for status, security or identity through money rather than higher principles according to this perspective on the psychological and sociological impacts of taking financial pursuits to an immoderate extreme.

Birthday: September 25, 1913 – Death: October 2, 2002

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