Posts Tagged ‘million’
« Previous Page — Next Page »Jason Nash: Net Worth YouTube
on Friday, October 15, 2021YouTube personality Jason Nash Money Quote saying that he disputes net worth calculators accuracy online, showing he was worth more than he had. Jason Nash said:
“Those things on the Internet that tell your net worth are wrong for pretty much everyone. When I started YouTube, I was pretty broke and it said $1 million then” — Jason Nash
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In this quote, Jason Nash seems to be cautioning against putting too much stock in online net worth calculators and estimators, since they often provide inaccurate pictures of people’s true financial situations. Specifically, he notes:
- When Nash was first starting his YouTube career, before it became lucrative, websites estimated his net worth as $1 million even though he states he was actually “pretty broke” at that stage.
- This implies the algorithms and formulas used by many net worth tools do not have enough accurate or up-to-date information to reliably determine wealth, especially for those just starting out in new ventures or industries.
- Nash appears to be using his own example to show that for “pretty much everyone,” net worth calculations on the internet should not be taken as gospel and may greatly misrepresent one’s true economic position and resources.
The best interpretation is that Nash wants to convey net worth estimators are not foolproof, especially for those embarking on new careers, and should not be viewed as definitive measures of one’s financial circumstances according to his cautionary perspective based on his own experience with being assessed as wealthier than reality when first embarking on YouTube.
Naval Ravikant: Net Worth Genius
on Thursday, September 23, 2021Naval Ravikant Money Quote saying your net worth does not determine your place on the genius to fool scale. Naval Ravikant said:
“Having a million-dollar net worth doesn’t make you a genius, and having less than a million-dollar net worth doesn’t make you a fool” — Naval Ravikant
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In this quote, Naval Ravikant seems to be cautioning against making simplistic assumptions or judgments of people based solely on the size of their net worth. Specifically:
- Ravikant notes that having a high net worth of $1 million or more does not definitively mean someone is exceptionally intelligent or skilled at managing money.
- He also states that having a net worth under $1 million does not inherently signify someone has made poor financial decisions or lacks business acumen.
- Ravikant appears to be arguing that net worth figures alone do not provide enough context to label people as “geniuses” or “fools,” since wealth levels can be influenced by many variables beyond an individual’s abilities or character.
The best interpretation is that Ravikant believes it is an overgeneralization to equate net worth directly with qualities like wisdom, talent or competence. From his perspective, net worth statistics in isolation do not capture the full context around a person’s circumstances, choices or attributes that determine their financial position according to his view that such metrics have limited ability to characterize individuals when considered apart from other relevant factors.
Suze Orman: My Liquid Net Worth
on Monday, September 20, 2021Suze Orman Money Quote saying estimation of liquid funds by others may be close to the millions expected when it comes to net worth. Suze Orman said:
“One journalist estimated my liquid net worth at $25 million. That’s pretty close. My houses are worth another $7 million” — Suze Orman
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In this quote, Suze Orman is providing context about her own net worth in response to a journalist’s estimate. When the journalist estimated her liquid net worth at $25 million, Suze Orman confirms that this estimate is “pretty close” but adds that her houses are worth an additional $7 million on top of that figure.
She is clarifying and quantifying her full net worth by including the value of her real estate holdings. This quote gives insight into Suze Orman’s personal financial situation by corroborating an estimate of her wealth and breaking down what portion is held in houses versus liquid assets.
A’Lelia Bundles: Black Net Worth
on Friday, September 17, 2021A’Lelia Bundles Money Quote saying it’s not difficult to find Black Women billionaires, including Oprah and Sheila Johnson. A’Lelia Bundles said:
“I know of at least two black women who are billionaires: Sheila Johnson, who co-founded BET, and Oprah Winfrey. And I know of hundreds of black women whose net worth is over $1 million” — A’Lelia Bundles
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In this quote, A’Lelia Bundles seems to be highlighting the financial success and wealth accumulation of prominent black businesswomen. Specifically:
- Bundles directly names two black female billionaires – Sheila Johnson who co-founded Black Entertainment Television, and media mogul Oprah Winfrey.
- She notes being aware of “at least” these two examples whose net worth eclipses $1 billion each.
- Bundles also states there are “hundreds” of black women she knows who have amassed a net worth of over $1 million, still a significant multi-million dollar fortune.
The best interpretation is that Bundles wants to bring attention to highly accomplished black women in business who have achieved extraordinary financial prosperity and accumulated substantial personal wealth, serving as inspirational examples of black female entrepreneurship and economic empowerment according to her perspective emphasizing their role as trailblazers and success stories.
Charles Ponzi: Million in Hopes
on Saturday, September 11, 2021Charles Ponzi Money Quote saying he came with big money dreams that were unsustainable, so a scheme to get money was hatched. Charles Ponzi said:
“I landed in this country with $2.50 in cash and $1 million in hopes, and those hopes never left me” — Charles Ponzi
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In this quote, Charles Ponzi seems to be reflecting on his ambitious mindset and determination when he first immigrated to the United States with very little money but grand visions. Specifically:
- Ponzi notes that when he arrived, he only had $2.50 in actual cash in his possession, showing his extreme lack of financial resources.
- However, he states he had “$1 million in hopes” – meaning immense dreams, aspirations and confidence in his ability to achieve great success despite humble beginnings.
- Ponzi implies these hopes and aspirations of striking it rich never left him and continued motivating him, likely referring to his infamous Ponzi scheme that initially generated huge returns through fraudulent operations.
While Ponzi’s ambitions did manifest through illegal means, the quote conveys his persistent self-belief and refusal to accept modest circumstances as a permanent limitation even in the face of early disadvantages. It highlights Ponzi’s relentless drive and optimism that ultimately corrupted into his infamous financial crimes, but initially helped him attain prosperity against steep odds based on gutsy determination and vision according to his recollections of immigrating with little besides ambition.
Birthday: March 3, 1882 – Death: January 18, 1949
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Cost of War
on Tuesday, April 27, 2021Dwight D. Eisenhower Money Quote saying the amount that is spent for the implements of war could build homes, roads, provide food and all the needs of a wealthy society many times over. Dwight D. Eisenhower said:
“The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this; a modern brick school in more than 30 cities; it is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population; it is two fine, fully equipped hospitals; it is some 50 miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron” — Dwight D. Eisenhower
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Based on the context and Eisenhower’s presidency, it can be inferred that he delivered this message sometime during the 1950s when he served as President from 1953 to 1961. This was during the peak of the Cold War and arms race between the United States and Soviet Union, so Eisenhower likely aimed these remarks at persuading for reduced military spending and a refocusing of resources on social programs.
In this quote, Dwight D. Eisenhower is lamenting how resources spent on advanced weapons and military technology could instead be used to improve people’s lives if directed towards needs like education, infrastructure and healthcare.
He argues that the cost of a single bomber, fighter plane or destroyer exceeds what it could provide in terms of schools, hospitals, housing and other beneficial projects.
Eisenhower’s interpretation is that continually prioritizing defense over development through massive military budgets is not a sustainable way of life and does not serve humanity well.
His view seems to be that rising tensions and spending on arms have created an oppressive system where resources are misallocated, to the detriment of basic social and economic progress.
The overall message conveys Eisenhower’s belief that alternatives to an arms race focus could lift “humanity from a cross of iron” and enhance people’s welfare.
Birthday: October 14, 1890 – Death: March 28, 1969
George Takei: Billionaire Mockery
on Tuesday, April 20, 2021George Takei Money Quote saying that when the wealthy can buy campaigns without limits, the idea of every vote counting is destroyed. George Takei said:
“When billionaires can give $50 million, $500 million to a campaign, and there’s no limit, then it makes a mockery of ‘one man, one vote'” — George Takei
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In this quote, actor and activist George Takei is criticizing the influence of immense wealth on the political process. He suggests that when billionaires can donate vast sums of $50-500 million to candidates without spending caps, it undermines the democratic principle of equal representation and sway.
Takei implies such unlimited donations allow the viewpoints and priorities of the extremely wealthy to drown out all other voices.
Overall, the quote conveys Takei’s view that unfettered political spending at such astronomical levels concentrates undue power in the hands of a tiny fraction of donors and distorts the notion of every citizen’s vote holding equal weight and impact on elections.
Tenbrunsel & Thomas: Insider Trade
on Thursday, April 15, 2021Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas Money Quote saying junior investment bankers are willing to commit insider trading if they are sure they won’t be caught. Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas said:
“Nearly one third of [investment banking] employees with less than two decades in the industry say they would likely engage in insider trading to make $10 million if there was no chance of being arrested” — Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas
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In this quote, Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas are sharing the results of a survey they conducted of investment banking employees. They found that nearly one third of those with less than 20 years of experience in the industry said they would likely engage in illegal insider trading if they could make $10 million without risk of legal consequences.
Insider trading involves using non-public information to profit in financial markets. This suggests many junior investment bankers have weak ethical standards when it comes to resisting large financial temptations.
The quote highlights how even in a professional field, greed and lack of integrity could potentially override following the law for some individuals when large sums of money are at stake according to this interpretation.